Chapter 115: First Strike (1)

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September 24, 2022 (1640 Elysian Calendar)
Otaheit, Mu

Over a week had passed since the Gra Valkan fleet deployed from their capital city of Ragna, with little activity coming from the bases along the Muan border. It was clear to the Muans that by now, the calm before the storm was finally nearing its conclusion, with dark gray clouds and lightning visible on the horizon. It was only a matter of time before the Gra Valkans attacked, and they waited for the inevitable moment with severe trepidation.

The weather itself was like a manifestation of the feelings of the Muan leaders holed up in their War Department meeting rooms. Light drizzle tapped away at the windows, as unending as the ticking of the clock mounted above. Then, lightning flashed, striking rods positioned atop the city's skyscrapers as the drizzle evolved into a merciless downpour. The storm had finally arrived.

Information had steadily come in the last few days, providing mundane updates on the positions of Gra Valkan forces until a report came in today that the Gra Valkan fleets had finally reached the outskirts of Muan territorial waters. Dozens of small fleets waited, poised to strike at outlying islands, colonies, and small bases scattered around Mu's coastlines. However, these were an insignificant threat compared to the two grand conquest fleets stationed 80 miles from Mykal, which was a vital trade hub, and Otaheit – Mu's capital city.

Seeing all the pieces entering in position, the Americans deployed their electronic warfare assets all over the Second Civilized Region, scrambling all communications from the eastern coasts to the shores of Ragna. As fate would have it, this ploy was not enough to stop the tide. Having anticipated such measures, the Gra Valkans preemptively set a time upon which all units would launch their attacks.

The lull of silence served only to heighten the anxious air within the room. The midday sun positioned at its highest position for the day meaning it was close to lunchtime. Despite this fact, Sinclair didn't feel hungry at all; he only felt tension from the staring contest between his nation's defending forces and the Gra Valkan invaders positioned just outside the range of the defending forces' weapons.

The only thing on his mind was a single question: when would they attack?

Right after he finished asking the question mentally, he received an answer. First, it came from the American liaison, whose attention was suddenly caught by his earpiece. He pressed his hand against his ear as he listened intently, before revealing what he was just told. An expression of seriousness grew on his face as he repeated the information coming from his superiors, "All Gra Valkan naval elements are now proceeding with the invasion. Hostile ground elements are remaining on standby."

General Seneville received the update calmly. "So it has begun," he said, careful not to let his fearful emotions surface, much less cloud his judgment. "When will they reach our defensive fleets?"

The American liaison relayed the question to his comrades. He received a prompt reply, which he then conveyed to the Muans. "About an hour," he said.

Seneville nodded, "Then our ground forces should also expect combat within an hour." He turned to a group of communication officers, "Inform all coastal defense units and army units to expect combat in one hour."

Outside the window, fighters and bombers began taking off from nearby airfields and from the carriers. Wyverns, biplanes, and enigmatic pseudo-jets from the Holy Mirishial Empire alike filled the skies, circling around the ships in a defensive posture. The sight itself was majestic, although not as much as the three Pal Chimerae that hovered above like grand deities watching over their domain.

These were the secret weapons that their allies had committed to the fight. The massive constructs were finally in the air once more, after having been grounded following the lengthy journey across the Artticus Ocean. Now more than ever, their presence raised the morale of Muans and Mirishials alike.

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