Chapter 84: Fall Caeruleus

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April 8, 1641
Alue, Mu

Moore stood behind a glass panel, hands behind his back. Looking into the interrogation room, he watched as medical personnel checked the vital signs of the yet again unconscious Gra Valkan, Volt Schmidt. He took his eyes off the scene, his gaze landing on Varica's bright aquamarine eyes.

"Let me guess, it was a piece of cake, huh?" Moore smiled, eager to hear the results.

Varica blinked, staring back at Moore. "Piece of cake? I don't recall any food items being present during the interrogation. Did you feed the Gra Valkan a cake?" She asked, confused.

"Haha," Moore gave a slight chuckle and shook his head, "It's a figure of speech. I'm asking if you found it easier to cast your spells on the man."

Varica nodded, "Indeed I did. I assume you used the truth serum on him?"

"Right on point! How did it affect your spell? How much information were you able to find?" Moore asked, eyes shining like a curious child ready to open Christmas presents.

"The information flowed into my hands seamlessly, without much effort on my part. I did not have to pick apart his mind, as was the case prior. This time, I found more information about Fall Caeruleus."

Moore nodded, urging her on.

"Fall Caeruleus," Varica continued, "Is the Gra Valkan plan to simultaneously invade the Sonal Kingdom and the Nigrat Union. They will invade the Sonal Kingdom using bases in Leifor and Hinomawari. At the same time, they will land forces on the beaches of the Nigrat Union and support them with their navy. Volt Schmidt was supposed to begin a new mission in the Nigrat Union."

"Any details on this mission?" Moore asked.

"No. His superiors had not disclosed details. They planned on conducting a briefing after he returned from his Hinomawari mission."

"I see. Excellent work, Lady Varica."

Varica accepted Moore's praise. "I am pleased to hear that."

Moore turned back toward the window, looking at Schmidt. "Say, I remember reading about your people having access to ancient magic. Among these is the ability to control minds. Is this true?"

"It is. However, the effect only lasts for mere moments, and cannot be used to completely dominate the spell's target. It can only be used to immobilize them briefly by afflicting them with indecision. This spell is primarily used during duels to prevent one side from casting a spell."

A wave of relief washed over Moore's face. "Phew," he sighed, "Well, that sure is a relief to hear!"

"Even the light-winged people have failed to exercise complete mind control. I have heard stories of their ability to control those of lesser minds, though."

Moore thought about the recent Grameus expedition. Thanks to his connections, he was able to review classified material on the necklaces worn by the Oni, who served as thralls for the Annonrial operatives in the area. "Would it be possible for this spell to function permanently, through say, the use of artifacts like necklaces?"

"Worn by the target?" Varica asked.


Varica fiddled with a pen, causing it to spin around in the air with wind magic as she pondered the question. "I believe so. Magic gems can be used to amplify the power of spells, and artifacts can be imbued with magical power. I struggle to see what kind of arcane rune crafting would be required for such a task, but it is possible."

"And would it be possible to develop countermeasures for this mind control?" Moore asked, the threat of the Ravernal Empire lingering in the back of his mind.

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