Chapter 11: The Defense of Ejei

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July 20, 1639

Fortress City Ejei, Qua Toyne Principality

General Nou rubbed his eyes, growing tired of the constant harassment from Lourian cavalry groups. All throughout the night, enemy forces rode up along the walls of the fortress, creating a ruckus and taunting the Qua Toynian defenders. He was tempted to send out his wyverns to crush their knights in one fell swoop, but decided against it, fearing a possible ambush.

Thankfully, his assistant was approached by an officer from the United States Air Force, who dropped by to confirm that no Qua Toynians were present outside Ejei's walls. According to his assistant, the Americans planned to conduct an air strike on the main Lourian camp. When questioned on how they would handle the enemy wyverns, the officer simply chuckled and said, "Don't worry about that. We've got everything covered."

Despite his initial attitude toward the Americans, he couldn't help but wonder how they plan on conducting their air strike, especially considering that their nation had no wyverns at all. His assistant walked up to him and handed him a strange object. "General, the American officer gave me a few of these. They're called binoculars," he said as he put them to his eyes. He smiled slightly, surprised at the utility of the device. "They're used for seeing things at a very far distance," he offered one to General Nou.

He looked toward the Lourian camp. The once miniature figures in the distance now seemed close, and Nou nodded in approval. "Excellent," he said. Before he could say anything else, a helicopter flew over him, moving toward the Lourian camp. Is this their airstrike?


Ejei Airbase

Nakamoto looked up from his spaghetti roe meal as he saw someone enter the large tent. "Baker, what's the game plan?"

Baker pulled out a map from his back pocket and unfolded it. "Colonel wants us to go here," he said, pointing to a seemingly empty spot in the middle of nowhere.

Nakamoto squinted at the spot. "What? We're not gonna join the offensive on Gim?"

Baker shook his head. "Nah, dude. We got a bigger mission to do. Some of the intel guys found out, from a few of the refugees who fled from Gim, that a small force stayed behind to help escort slave caravans back to Louria. The flyboys worked with this info, and sent out a few drones to check out the nearby villages. One of them was that Elven village — that group we saved earlier came from there. Just yesterday one of our drones found a caravan moving from one of the local villages toward the Lourian border. We're gonna head out and investigate that."

"Alright. When we leaving?"

"After the fireworks show. We don't wanna get stuck out there while the Air Force is too busy, and these asshats are moving pretty slowly, so we can wait a bit for air support."

"Sounds good," Nakamoto said, finishing his juice.


Eastern Lords Division Encampment

Jean-Philia found solace in the size of the army he commanded. A force of 20,000 was certainly no joke, but then again, there existed rumors that a force of over 4,000 ships crumbled to merely 5. Jean-Philia pushed the uneasiness to the back of his mind, but they resurfaced as a strange flying contraption approached, creating a mild gale as it hovered over the camp.

With a booming metallic voice, it announced, "This is the United States Air Force! Surrender now, with a white flag, or we will bomb this site to oblivion!"

The machine remained out of range of even the best archers' arrows, repeating its message several times until it eventually flew away. Although his interest was piqued by the object, he could not shake the foreboding tidal wave of fear that suddenly overcame him. His interest and confusion paled in comparison to the sense of dread that crept up his spine. He looked over to Magician Washner. "Any signatures?"

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