Chapter 151: Symphony of War

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December 23, 1640
En Route to Cartalpas
U.S. Navy Seventh Fleet
USS Gerald R. Ford

Admiral William Hawthorne stood at the bridge of his flagship, his eyes scanning the vast expanse of the ocean and the incredible fleet that he led. Around him sailed dozens of destroyers, cruisers, submarines, and supply ships – members of Carrier Strike Group 12 (CSG 12), CSG 5, Destroyer Squadron 15 (DESRON 15), and the other units that made up the Seventh Fleet. He proudly watched the historic sight before him, recognizing that this was the largest deployment in modern history – dwarfing even the Lourian and Parpaldian Wars.

Captain Richard Vaughn approached, saluting crisply. "Admiral, the latest intelligence has been analyzed. The Gra Valkans are deploying two main fleets. One is heading towards Cartalpas, and the smaller force is diverting towards Galavete."

Hawthorne nodded, processing the information. "What about coordination with the Holy Mirishial Empire? Have they been briefed on the situation in Cartalpas?"

Vaughn responded, "They have. The Department of State had the Consul General in Cartalpas relay the information to the Mirishials. We've also established a secure data-sharing channel with their command center to ensure seamless coordination."

Hawthorne's expression hardened. "Good. Time is of the essence here. Inform them of our ETA. Now, as for Galavete..." Hawthorne read the reports aloud, "Four fleet carriers, ten escort carriers, and other ships... The diversion in Galavete is a clear attempt to draw us away from Cartalpas."

Captain Vaughn agreed, his eyes on the tactical map. "It seems so, Admiral. We'll need to balance our response."

Hawthorne nodded. "What's our current force in Galavete?"

Vaughn quickly checked the deployment status. "Four Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, one Ticonderoga-class cruiser, one squadron each of F-16s and F-15s, a handful of F-35s. They've also got multiple recon drones, an E-3, an RC-135, some fuel tankers, a P-8, and a Growler, sir."

"Good," Hawthorne said, his mind working through the situation. "We need to reinforce Galavete without significantly impacting our mission to Cartalpas. Send four additional destroyers from DS7 alongside the USS America ESG. What we have in Galavete should be enough, but these reinforcements should expand our coverage and solidify our advantage."

Vaughn made a note of the orders. "Understood, Admiral. I'll coordinate with the Carrier and Expeditionary Strike Groups."

Hawthorne's eyes returned to the formation of ships sailing around him. Though the Gra Valkans couldn't hope to touch the U.S. Navy, they were more than a match for EDI forces. Hopefully, the Mirishials would be able to hold out until his fleet arrived.


Cartalpas, Holy Mirishial Empire

A chilling breeze swept through the naval command center at Cartalpas, carrying with it the winds of impending conflict. Admiral Serrath, a seasoned Mirishial officer with stern eyes, stood at the center of the bustling room. Officers, clerks, and strategists darted from one station to another, their faces marked by anticipation.

Serrath's gaze shifted to the large window overlooking the port. Warships were being armed, fueled, and fitted with last-minute provisions. Cranes swung, and soldiers scurried, readying the defenses of a city that had never before felt the shadow of war so closely.

His attention was drawn back to a large tactical display, where the movements of Gra Valkan recon units were being tracked with the aid of the Americans and patrolling units. They had been spotted on the outskirts of Follicus Island, along the western part of the Cartalpas Strait. The skirmishes had been minor so far, but the message was clear: battle was approaching.

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