Chapter 105: Onset

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July 10, 1640
Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire

Following the conclusion of the World Leadership Conference, the Magikareich Community was ousted from the Elysian Defense Initiative. Thus, they formed closer ties to the Gra Valkans, who became their only benefactor. If the Gra Valkans wanted a port, they provided one. If the Gra Valkans wanted research materials, they shared some. If the Gra Valkans called, they answered.

The one-sided relationship was obvious to many in the Magikareich Community, especially to Defense Chief Reiner Manstein, who now knelt before the Gra Valkan Emperor. Unlike the uncannily subservient Premier Liebknecht, Reiner was a proud Magikareichian and a proud Elysian. With his leader's questionable decision to stand by the Gra Valkans, the Magikareich Community had essentially traded their sovereignty for status as a glorified vassal.

This decision irked Reiner, who was appalled that the Premier abandoned their neighbors — whom they have spent centuries with in coexistence — in favor of an imperialist aggressor who only recently appeared. Every facet of this new policy shook him to the core, causing his blood to boil like a volcano ready to explode. Yet, he continued to do his duty, knowing that his position as Defense Chief was too valuable to cede to a Liebknecht loyalist.

He fought every ounce of rebellion within him as he smiled at the Gra Valkan Emperor, who was none the wiser and saw Reiner as yet another willing contributor. Underneath the facade, however, Reiner was prepared to bide time for as long as possible, until he had the opportunity to break the leash that the Gra Valkas Empire had placed on his people. "Of course, Your Excellency," he said to Emperor Gra Lux, feigning obedience. "Our ports and railways are always available for the Gra Valkas Empire."

Emperor Gra Lux responded with indifference, "I am pleased to hear of your ready compliance, Defense Chief. With your cooperation, we will ensure vengeance against your old rivals."

Reiner's heart skipped a beat upon hearing Gra Lux's words. This is why Liebknecht was so quick to run to the Gra Valkans, despite his warnings against opposing the Elysian Defense Initiative or worse, the Americans. He made an involuntary frown, which was fortunately hidden due to the fact that he was currently in a deep bow and his face was directed toward the floor. Reiner dispelled his turbulent emotions and regained composure. "Premier Liebknecht will be very pleased to hear this, Your Excellency."

Gra Lux failed to notice Reiner's near-capitulation and continued, "Good. Ensure that deployment is complete by the end of next month."

Realizing that the onset of war was rapidly approaching, Reiner felt a pang in his chest. He was struck by a headache, but pushed through it in order to maintain the emperor's impression of him. "Of course, Your Excellency."

Frantically searching for a way to throw a wrench at the Gra Valkas Empire's strategy, Reiner pushed his mind to its limits. He succeeded in finding a potential solution before his hearing with the Gra Valkan emperor came to a close. "Your Excellency, I have a concern," he said.

Gra Lux shifted his posture ever so slightly, just enough so Reiner could notice. "Is that so? Then, speak your mind."

Fear coursed through Reiner's veins, threatening to lock him in place and say 'nevermind'. This was a gamble that could result in his immediate termination as Defense Chief, but it had to be done. His will to defy the powers that be exceeded the fear of failure, and he pushed forward. "As a signatory of the American rules of war, we must first move military facilities away from civilian population centers. This may take some time, seeing that the railways are only present in civilian population centers."

Gra Lux released a heavy sigh, laced with indignance. The border between Mu and the Magikareich Community was barren, with plains enveloping the region as far as the eye could see. Establishing bases away from the mountain- and forest- sheltered cities meant that the Muans would be privy to any Gra Valkan military activities. A buildup of forces along the border would no longer be a secret, and therefore would be subjected to constant surveillance.

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