Chapter 100: The Conference

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Author's Note: I am producing a professional original work, Manifest Fantasy (a complete rewrite of the original Manifest Fantasy). This story will be a GATE and Summoning America style work that focuses on a team of American explorers as they navigate through a new fantasy environment. Much like GATE and SA, Manifest Fantasy will explore the "modern meets fantasy" theme, although to much greater detail and with much greater professionalism. I plan on posting 4 chapters a month, with chapters expected to be about 3000-4000 words each. Please comment if "aye" if you are willing to pay $5 a month for a subscription to Manifest Fantasy. If not, please describe the amount you are willing to pay. If I receive at least 50 confirmations across all platforms, I will begin work on Manifest Fantasy immediately.


Cartalpas, Holy Mirishial Empire

An old, bearded man of a distinct shipfaring look sat atop a structure that resembled an air traffic control tower. There, he faced a large microphone amidst the backdrop of the bright blue ocean. After finishing the last of his Dunkin Donuts coffee, he spoke to the large crowd that gathered along the pier. A network of speakers and screens allowed him to relay his message, "Welcome, everyone, to our thirty-seventh World Leadership Conference! I'm your host, Bronze Letiam. For those of you who may not have had the opportunity to experience this event before, the World Leadership Conference is a biannual event whereby eleven of Elysia's most powerful countries come together to discuss world affairs. Although the discussion typically proves to be mundane, the extravagant entrances and local fairs are not! It is tradition for every participating member to arrive in their most brilliant fleets, brimming with their greatest warriors and latest technologies. Speaking of which, here come the first arrivals: the Torquia Kingdom!"

A fleet of wooden ships appeared on the horizon, propelled by sail and clad in enchanted steel plating. The vessels appeared to be ships-of-the-line, similar to those of the former Parpaldian Empire. A wyvern carrier sailed proudly at the center of the fleet, carrying wyvern lords.

Bronze directed his camera crew to focus on the ships, getting a good look at their flashy armaments. "My," he exclaimed with a sense of surprise, "Look at those guns! Their designs look rather different compared to the last Conference." He smirked at the camera, holding a hand to his mouth as he whispered, "Now, this is only a rumor, but I heard they had some help from American defense companies! Was it only advice, or was it more?"

Bronze changed his tone to one of even greater surprise as he redirected his attention toward the carrier. "Now those," he stressed as the cameras focused on the wyvern lords resting on the deck, "are clearly a new development! Until this year, wyvern lord technology was unique to the Parpaldian Empire. Now, it seems the technology has spread around the world! Is this a result of entrepreneurial Parpaldians, or the work of Americans?"

He concluded his analysis, adopting a tone appropriate for an advertisement, "Perhaps you'll find out at the Torquian Cultural Fair! Partake in traditional Torquian dances, or enjoy their delicious delicacies! With so many activities to choose from, you'll certainly find yourself satisfied at the Torquian Cultural Fair."

The next fleet to arrive hailed from the Magikareich Community. A fleet of twelve warships sailed ahead, their designs unfamiliar to Bronze and his team. They scratched their heads, squinting at metal warships the distance until a flag finally came into view.

His voice laden with shock, Bronze announced their next arrivals, "Our second guests appear to be the Magikareich Community! They've arrived in vessels that bear a distinctly Gra Valkan look. Perhaps this is indicative of relations between the two nations?"

Speculation ran wild through the crowd below as spectators discussed the new rumor. Many thought the alliance to be unthinkable, especially considering the menace that the Gra Valkan Empire had proven to be. Others noticed the peculiar lack of worry amongst the Magikareich Community. Unlike the Nigrat Union and Sonal Kingdom, they were not threatened by the Gra Valkas Empire.

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