Chapter 99: Big Stick

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Author's Note: I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! Enjoy the chapter!


June 18, 1640
Washington D.C.

"Hmm, I wonder what these things are all about, anyway," President Lee muttered as he set a letter down on his desk, grabbing his mug of coffee.

Seated across from each other on the couches, Heiden and Hill shared a look of uncertainty. They too were in the dark, although Heiden was able to offer some explanation, "Sir, I've had a team research the geopolitics of Elysia. Apparently, the World Leadership Conference is a gathering of eleven of Elysia's top powers. These include five superpowers as permanent members, and six other nations."

"Alright. So, who should we expect to see there?"

Heiden explained, "The confirmed members are ourselves, the Holy Mirishial Empire, the Emor Kingdom, Mu, and the Gra Valkas Empire."

Lee commented, "So we're replacing the Parpaldians, and the Gra Valkans are going in place of the Leiforians, huh?"

"More or less." Heiden shrugged, "Although, the Parpaldians are still attending, since they're the second most powerful player in the Philadean continent after us."

"Who else?"

"The Annonrial Empire, Magikareich Community, Torquia Kingdom, and the Agartha Kingdom. The Nigrat Union was a recurring member in the past, but with their current subjugation under the Gra Valkans, it's likely that they'll be substituted with another nation."

"How unfortunate," Lee said, taking a moment of silence. "Well, I hope this conference will be as well-mannered as UN assemblies."

Heiden reacted negatively, giving an uncertain smile. "Ah, let's not get our hopes up, Mister President. A lot of Elysians from powerful countries have proven to be very... arrogant."

"Really?" Lee asked, surprised. He thought back to the dinner he hosted a few nights ago, "I thought they acted quite respectfully during the Artemis launch."

"To Americans, perhaps. But to each other? The Gra Valkans were really at odds with those Muans and Mirishials."

"Huh," Lee started to recall the small things that he had overlooked, such as glares between the other parties and clenched fists around glasses. "I suppose I was a bit too busy to notice. And you expect the same type of behavior from the Annonrials?"

Heiden didn't know how to answer. From what he could gather, the Annonrials maintained their barbarian facade during past Conferences. "It's hard to tell," he admitted. "In the past, they kept a low profile. Meeting records show that they rarely participated in conversation, usually speaking to vote only. Because of social stigma and the Annonrials' primitive appearances, few bothered to communicate with them. Those who did were given vague responses and an instruction to visit Bushpaka Latan. With their increased activity around the world, though, there's no telling what they might do."

"I agree," Hill chimed in. "I don't expect that they'll act out of line, but we should have our guard up in case they do."

Lee raised a finger in the air, "That brings me to my next point. I've heard that the World Leadership Conference has a tradition where members arrive in their best fleets? Is that true?" He asked, looking at Heiden.

With a slightly bewildered expression, he answered, "Yes, sir. It's true. Members typically show up to Cartalpas with their premier fleets. It's quite jarring compared to the rather tame diplomacy we had back on Earth, but seeing as this world is more accustomed to gunboat diplomacy, I suggest we adhere to this... tradition."

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