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This is just great. Glancing up at the dragon that had you in it's talons, you glared at it in annoyance before looking back at the ground below. You had a whole schedule you had to do today, but someone decided to kidnap you, yet again.  Watching the castle at the top of the mountain get closer, you sighed.

"Welcome back (Y/N)." The dragon, you know as Cadmus, greeted. The minute he set you down, you stepped back to give him room to land. Crossing your arms with a glare at the golden dragon.

"This is getting old." You snapped, "It's the third time this month you kidnapped me."

"If you would quit running away, I wouldn't have to go back and get you." He huffed, walking through the castle that seemed to have been made specifically for his large size.

"You watch me leave after you kill the suitors." You pointed out, "Anyway, I know the drill. I'll be in the library then I'll go to my room."

Yes, he's kidnapped you so often that you have your own room. Sad, isn't it? You basically had free range of the castle, but he would always tell you that you had to stay until someone came to get you. Someone who could beat him in a fight. With him being a dragon though, no one has been able to beat him.

"(Y/N), you realized that you're not actually a prisoner, yes?" He questioned.

"Your talons and my partly destroyed castle says other wise." Making that comment, you headed up the stairs to the library. You had missed so many days of studying this month, that you were way behind. At this rate, you won't be able to take over the kingdom when you father was ready to retire. Luckily, Cadmus horded books from the centuries he's been alive. He easily had a library that made the one at your castle look like a little book store. Also meaning that he had the books that your tutor had been telling you to read. Grabbing the four books, you sat at one of the tables and began to read as much as you could. Reading at least two of the books before you had to look up as the library doors opened.

"I brought dinner, if you're hungry." Blinking at the dragons words, you glanced outside, to see that it was already dark. That history book probably took up most of your time. When he set the plate of food on the table, you made sure to eat it all. Trying your best to ignore the fact that he also dragged in a boar and was eating it raw. Heavens know that would make anyone loose their apatite. Though, he is a dragon, so you can't really blame him for the way he eats.

"Are those good books?" He questioned, nodding the the books on the table.

"No, but I have to read them." You answered shrugging your shoulders.

"To become ruler? You don't seem thrilled about it. Is that what you want?" Raising an eyebrow at the interrogation, you figured there wasn't any harm in telling him.

"I'm the only heir. I don't have a choice." You explained, finishing off the food.

"That's not what I asked. Do you want to be the ruler? Will that make you happy?"

Studying the now interesting plate, you thought hard about your answer. Finally coming to one.

"Royalty, like myself, don't get to choose." You explained, choosing your words carefully, "We have a duty to make others happy. Even at the cost of our own happiness. For the sake of others in the kingdom, we sacrifice our happiness to prevent war or to make sure each family has food to put on the table. Keeping the chain of a crown on with a smile so the people will be more at ease. My happiness doesn't matter."

Studying him for his response, you could tell he was thinking it over. Well since he's asking personal questions about you, who's to say you can't ask questions about him.

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