Yandere Vampire

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"This is stupid." You grumbled slipping away from the castle with your friends to the garden maze, "This is not how I wanted to spend my night."

"You just wanted to be lazy and sleep, (Y/N)." Ally giggled, "We have to stay on the castle grounds for the week. No rules about going into the garden."

"It's the fact that we're going at night." You snapped, "Besides, Mr. Wilson, probably won't be happy if he finds out we're out of the castle."

"We haven't even seen the man." Richard sighed wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "Only the butler. It will be fine." 

You still didn't like this idea but didn't have a choice since Richard pulled you along. Glancing at the overgrown hedges, you still had a bad feeling.  Looking back at the castle, you saw that all the lights were now on. They were off when you all entered the maze.

"(Y/N), it's your turn." Rose called, as Richard pulled you to the front of the group.

"We should head back." You grumbled, "They're probably looking for us."

"(Y/N), you are too cautious." Ally snapped, "If you want to go so bad, then go. We're going to find the center."

Raising an eyebrow at that, you shook your head as you moved out of Richard's reach. You wanted to return to the safety of the castle. Heading back the way you came, you frowned when you took all the turns you had before, but you still weren't out. You were sure you had taken the correct turns. Maybe the last one should have been a right or the one before that should have been straight? Realizing that you were in fact lost, you tried to keep your panic down. There's no telling how long you've been walking.

You could swear that every time you passed a turn, you saw red eyes watching you. Getting closer every time you would pass one. Eyes belonging to a dark shadow. You never looked directly at it though, for fear that it would attack you then. You really felt like crying when you felt like the creature was close enough to grab you. What broke your calmness was the female scream belonging to one of your friends. You have to get out now.

Running as fast as you could, you no longer cared about what turns to take or not. You avoided the creature that seemed to follow you, but other than that you only avoided hitting the hedges.  Grunting in pain as you ran into something when you turned a corner. You would have fallen had an arm not wrapped around your waist and held you up.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing out here this late?" Blinking up through the pain in your nose, your fear calmed down when you saw the butler, Brutus. Though you were so relieved to know that you were finally safe that you broke down crying.

"They wanted to find the center, so they brought me along. I tried to find my way back to the castle, but I got lost. Then something started chasing me and I think it got to my friends. It almost got me." You sobbed, letting him pull you into a hug.

"Poor thing. You're shaking so much." He hummed, rubbing your back comfort, "You're safe now. I'm not going to let anything get you. You shouldn't have entered the maze at night though. These are the hunting grounds. The center being the end. Which is where we are."

Looking around, you noticed that the tall hedges turned into smaller rose bushes. There was even a table and chairs out, like a picnic area. You're sure if it was daytime, you would find it lovely, but after your whole fright, you didn't find the appeal. He seemed to understand that, because he gave you a reassuring smile and grabbed your hand.

"I'll take you back to the castle." He hummed, leading you along. Nodding, you went with him, but still looked around incase that creature was still there. Hearing Brutus laugh and stop walking, you looked up at him in confusion.

"(Y/N), you don't have to be scared. When I'm with you, nothing will hurt you." He hummed, watching you with a look you couldn't describe until he lightly brushed his lips against yours, "Nothing will hurt you now or when you move in."

"Move in?" You barely got the words out, "I just came to this family reunion as a plus one for Robert."

"So, you don't want to stay?" He chuckled, as if he found it funny, "That's too bad, your presence is really pleasant. It's almost addictive. Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

As if to change your mind, he kissed you again. This time your mind going blank as your legs seemed to fold under you. There was definitely a spark in that kiss. You're not typically one to be swept off your feet, but he seemed to do it with ease.

"I..um.. Staying here is starting to seem like a good choice." You gave him a sheepish grin. Earning a smile from him.

"That's what I want to hear, Love."

Hearing the gasped breaths, you turned to see Rose running towards you, but stopping when she saw you. Her face going pale before she screamed.

"(Y/N), get away from him."

"It's only Brutus." You assured her, but she shook her head.

"That's a monster." She panted.

"I thought you were dealt with." He sighed letting you go, "I guess they didn't finish."

In the blink of an eye, he was by her. A hand over her mouth to silence her scream as he bit her neck. The sight made your stomach turn. He was so sweet just a few seconds ago, where did this come from? Finding a new fear of him, you took a step back as he turned to you. Fangs in his mouth and his eyes glowing red. Rose, now had a blank look on her face, reminding you of a glass doll, though you could tell she wasn't dead.

"Now, where were we, Love?" He hummed as if he hadn't just bit your friend's neck. 

Terrified, you ran. Running as fast as your legs would let you. On every turn you passed, you saw the red eyes again, but this time you could see that the owners of the eyes was Brutus. It must have been him the whole time.

"(Y/N), Love, I know this is shocking." His voice echoed in the maze, "This is for the best though. It was the only way to keep you here with me. I've love you since you stepped foot inside the castle. You'll learn to love even this part of me with time. Why, you'll even become a vampire like me."

Finally spotting an exit, you sprinted out. Feeling like you could finally breath but froze when you saw that you were at the castle. Ally and Robert, walking past and turning to you with a grin. Both of them showing their fangs. Even the people you thought you could trust were monsters. Backing away, you swallowed a scream as you backed into something, then felt arms wrap around you from behind.

"You will love me." He hummed, as you felt his fangs brush your neck, making you whimper in fear.

"Brutus, you're not serious, are you?" Ally asked, making him growl. Fear crossing both of their faces.

"It's Mr. Wilson to you two." He snapped, "Question me or my love for (Y/N) and you'll end up like Rose."

Both nodded before scurrying away.

"Mr. Wilson, as in the owner of the castle?" You squeaked out, as he wrapped his arms tighter around you, with an affirmative hum.

"It's a game I play with the prey. Play an innocent butler and gain their trust until it's time to eat them." He explained, "It's not an approved method, but it brought my love into my arms. I think it's a good tactic, don't you, Love?

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