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This was requested by MiscellaneousFan! Thank you for the request and I hope it's close to what you wanted! :D 

Warning: Some mention of cannibalism.

"Akando, food's done." You yelled out your back porch, into the forest that surrounds you. You're beloved Wendigo, obviously eats humans, but he always wants to eat together. Probably the few times you get to spend time with him. Grabbing a bowl of soup, you sat on your back steps and waited for him. Smiling when you saw his skulled head practically sprinting through the forest to you. Some how, despite his size and appearance, he reminded you of a puppy running up to you eagerly. A bag in his hands that you know has his prey in it.

"I'm here." He announced as if it wasn't obvious. Rolling your eyes, you patted the spot by you. He sat on the ground, though he could still easily make eye contact with you there. Kissing his head, you smiled as his jaw fell open.

"So, who did you catch this time?" You asked, eating.

"There was a man burying a body just down the hill." He explained, "Humans aren't good at hiding bodies. It was easier back when I was a human."

"You didn't have technology back then." You pointed out, recalling what he told you. He was once the future chief of a Native American tribe, but was cursed to protect his people. The curse back fired and he killed them. Living and having to kill until the end of time.

"That's true, but I like watching TV with you. Watching Supernatural with you is fun." He admitted, wolfing down what you want to guess what a leg.

"Just wait until you see the series finally." You hummed before, blinking at his claw that covered your mouth.

"No spoilers." He growled almost sounding serious, but making you laugh. When he removed his claw, you continued eating.

"Are you going to stay tonight?" You asked. He doesn't like to stay near you to much. Saying that he's scared that you'll turn into a monster like him. He doesn't want you cursed like him and wants you to stay human, though you wouldn't mind turning. Sometimes he'll stay away for months at a time to avoid it, but he'll always tell you before he leaves. When he comes back though, he cuddles you like the touch starved creature he is.

"I think I will." He agreed nodding. Smiling, you continued eating. Pausing when you noticed that he was watching you closely.

"Akando, what's wrong? Did something happen while you were hunting?" He never just stares at you like this. Something had to have happen to make him worry.

"No, it's not that." He sighed before setting his food aside and laying his head in your lap, "I'm just wondering how I got lucky. People scream when they see me. I've killed so many people and ate just as many. I haven't had someone be as nice to me as you are now since I was cursed. I don't want to ruin this. You're the only one that makes my heart feel warm and alive."

"You're not ruining it." You reminded him, "To be honest, I'm kind of sad that you leave me when you're scared that I'll become a wendigo. I chose to stay here to be with you. That means being with you all the time, no matter the risks."

You were sure that if Wendigos could cry he probably would be. Pecking his skull where his lips would be, you gave him a gentle smile.

"You really wouldn't mind being a Wendigo, a monster, like me?" He asked, nuzzling against your stomach as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I believe I would love it." You laughed, rubbing his shoulders, "We would still have this house, we can always have our meals together, and you won't ever have to leave me. We could keep our home safe together."

When he sat up, he kissed you affectionately. Telling you, that he was happy with your choice, without speaking. Pulling away, you gave him a sheepish grin.

"Just how do I become a Wendigo? You never specified it?"

"Well, if we spend more time together the change will happen over time. You could also start eating humans, but I won't force you to do that if you don't want to." He explained. 

Looking between him and the bag that had his dinner, you debated if you really should do it. It would help you become a wendigo faster.  It's just the thought of eating a person. Even if this human was hiding a body they probably killed themselves. If you cooked it, maybe it will be more bearable. If it helps you stay with him, you're willing to try it.

"Um, maybe we can slowly get me used to the meat?" You offered, "Just a cooked slice for now?"

"Yes, of course. You'll get used to it eventually." He agreed, standing, "I'll put it in your stew. You'll even forget what it is."

"I bet it will taste like chicken." You called as he went into the house, but you giggled when you heard a choked laugh from him.

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