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This was requested by Trollhunters_fanbase! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Setting your swim gear in the kayak, you carefully got in. Your house is safely up on the cliffs. Just down the beach is a resort. It's a little annoying that there's so many people nearby, but there's nothing you can do. Besides, you have your own private island that you can row to. You've made it very clear to the resort that they would face consequences if they went anywhere near it. 

Paddling to the island, you put you kayak up. This island is new to you. It's been for sale many times, but the owners never keep it for long. Rumors about a monster in the waters around the island as made the prices drop each time. Finally, you were able to afford it.

The island isn't very big. Just for some caves, a few banana trees, cocoanut trees, and for you to put a little cabin on. It's your private resort away from the resort. One that you cherish and adore having.

Slipping on your fins and mask, you dove into the water.  Various fish swam around the coral around the island. You cruised along the sand. Only coming up for air when you needed to. Swimming around to the other side of the island, you saw that the sad turned to rock, before it suddenly dropped off. You could clearly see the bottom, so you weren't that scared of it. What you did see was a large hole not far from the top of the ledge. Some kind of rusted chain hanging from it.

That's odd. You don't remember hearing anything about this when you bought the island. Going back up for another breath, you dove again. Swimming straight for the chain. Your eyes widening when you found that each chain link was the length of your legs, if not bigger.

"Another human." Hearing the voice echo, you looked up into the cave.

Large glossy black eyes watching you as the creature slowly moved so his head was out of the cave. Your eyes widening when you saw that it almost looked human. Except his skin was pale and he had black markings on his arms like a great white shark.

His head tilted in clear curiosity, "A beautiful human. Bold of you to come explore the island Mako the monster lives under."

Blinking at his words, you realized what he meant. This cave must be his home. You have to admit that you're curious about him. Mako must be his name then.  You didn't realize he actually had a name. Waving your hand to let him know to be patient, you went up for air then returned. His eyes watching you in surprise as you came back.

"You're not swimming away?" He questioned making you shake your head, "You're the first one who's stayed. Even the other merfolk chained me to this cave out of fear."

Now realizing the chain was attached to a collar around his neck, you slowly swam closer to him. Figuring that if he was going to eat or hurt you, he would have done it already. The lock was easily the size of your fist. It will still need a key though. Looking around, your eyes caught a glint at the very bottom of the drop. That must be it. 

Patting his hand with a nod, you noticed the pain in his eyes, but he was also curious. Giving him a nod, you swam back up for air. It's going to be a long swim, plus you're going to unlock his collar.

It might not make sense to anyone else, but he's still a living person. He deserves freedom too. Not to mention, you doubt he gets much food hiding and staying in one spot. You have to admit that you feel sorry for him.

Diving back down, you swam past him. Feeling his eyes watch you as you went by his cave. Reaching the sandy bottom, you brushed the sand away from the item. It was a large key, the size of your arm. You almost wondered if you could swim with it. You'll have to really try. 

Grabbing the key, you swam. Your eyes widening at the surprise heaviness of it. Your lungs burned as you were losing air. Grabbing the ledge of the cave, you felt one of his hands wrap around you as he took the key from you.

"Thank you." He hummed, "Go get some air."

Feeling him push you closer to the surface, you managed to gather the last of your strength to swim. Gasping and coughing as you reached the surface. You definitely need to learn your limits. That was too much for you. Rolling onto your back, you drifted on the ocean. Closing your eyes so you could focus on your breathing as much as you could.

Something appeared under you though and lifted you out of the water. Your eyes opening to see that you were laying in his hand. He was watching you in concern.

"Are you okay, beautiful human?" Hearing his voice, much clearer, you nodded.

"I'm just a little tired, Mako." You explained, feeling him move until he set you down on dry sand.

"You weren't afraid of me." He pointed out, as if he still couldn't believe it.

Sitting up, you saw that he was mostly in the water, but he was looked like he wasn't floating at all. He was as close to the shore as he could get without getting out of the water.

"I had a feeling that you didn't deserve to be chained up like that, did you?" Just to confirm your feeling.

"I was chained up for being a descendent of the Mega Clan. Megalodons, as your kind called them." He explained frowning, "The other merfolk, they feared me. They chained me there and they occasionally bring me food. Never enough though."

Feeling your heart ache, you stood and walked to him. Only reaching ankle deep. Resting your hands on his cheeks, you kissed his nose. His black eyes widening as his cheeks seemed to turn faintly pink.

"You're free now. You do have to answer to anyone." You assured him, earning a smile from him.

"What is your name, beautiful human?" He asked, making you giggle.

"It's (Y/N)." You greeted, trying to stay standing as he kissed you.

His lips almost knocking you over, but you know he's only showing appreciation to you.

"I'm going to get something to eat, then I'll be back." He explained, "I owe you a lot. I want to stay with you."

"If that's what you want." You grinned, "Does that mean you're going to be guarding the island for real then? From the tourists?"

"If that is what you wish, my beautiful human." He laughed, holding a handout to you.

Grabbing his hand with both of your hands, you were a little surprised that your hands wrapped around two of his fingers. It still allowed him to kiss your hands though. For such a large creature, he's being gentle with you. He amazes you.

"I will be back." He assured you, backing to the water.

"Take your time to eat your fill." You called, waving to him.

Laughing when he waved back at you. Who knew he wasn't really a monster after all?

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