Yandere Possessed Doll

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This was asked for by Banshee-screams! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Peering up at the house, you were a little nervous. It was a large house. You were more worried that you would get lost here. Knocking on the door, you blinked in surprise when the door opened, but you didn't see anyone.

"Down here." Looking down, you saw the little girl, you were going to be a nanny for.

"You must be Aria." You hummed crouching down to her level, "Are your grandparents home?"

She nodded, hiding behind her doll slightly. It creeped you out how realistic it was but decided not to say anything. Standing up as you heard footstep approach, you offered a smile to the elderly lady.

"You must be (Y/N)." She sighed, motioning for you to enter, "I guess we should go over somethings before you start tomorrow."

"Ah okay." You frowned slightly that she wasn't interviewing you.

Feeling a hand slip into yours, you looked down at Aria who scooted closer to you. With her black hair and large innocent brown eyes, her cute action made you smile.

"She hasn't attached to anyone that fast." the elderly woman hummed.

"Daddy says (Y/N) is good." Aria squeaked, making you raise an eyebrow.

The woman noticed, because she ushered the little girl into another room, before coming back with a troubled look.

"I know how that sounded, but her father is dead. He died in a crash a year ago when Ria was 4. We got her that doll that looks like him to help her through the hard lose." She explained, making you nod.

Chances are that Aria must communicate her wants like her doll is talking. You can handle that for as long as it takes for her to heal. Ria must be a nickname for her. You'll keep that in mind but call her by her name. You'll only use it when she's ready for you to.

"I'm sure it was hard." You agreed, offering a comforting smile, "Shall we continue talking about what I have to do?"

-Two months later-

Peeking out the window as you made Aria lunch, you instantly went on alert when you saw the man talking to her. You didn't know him. Dropping everything immediately, you ran outside. Pushing her protectively behind you, as you glared at the stunned man.

"Who are you? You should know that this is private property." You warned, as he held his hand up in mock surrender.

"Easy now. Don't bite my head off." He chuckled, "I'm the new gardener and friend of the family, William."

"New gardener? I wasn't told about that." You frowned. 

"I just started today." He explained, hold his hand out to shake, "You must be the Nanny for little Aria here. (Y/N), right?"

"I am." You nodded, staying cautious, but shaking his hand.

"Well, I hope to see you around more. Maybe all us servants can go out to eat sometime." He offered, now seeming more friendly than you first thought.

"Maybe." You agreed, "I need to get Aria inside for her lunch. Have a good day, William."

Guiding her inside, you watched him for a minute through the window. You know what scared you about him at first. He looks like Aria's doll and the pictures of her father. He easily could have been a twin. You don't want Aria getting confused by his looks. Keeping her away from him would be best.

"Daddy likes that you protected me, but he doesn't like William being friendly." Aria squeaked, as you sent her a smile.

"Well, that's my job." You teased, lightly squeezing her nose, "Now who's hungry?"

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