Yandere Vampire pt 2

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This was requested by MoonstruckOtaku! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

"(Y/N), are you going to come out now? The changing ceremony will start soon." Wincing at the sickly-sweet voice on the other side of the door, you made triple sure the door was locked. There was no way you were going to let Brutus in. He almost sounded like he was losing his patience.

Keeping quiet, you prayed that he would just leave you alone. Staying curled up on the bed, you listened for a long time. Finally looking up when there was no sound on the other side of the door. It could be a trap, but if it's a chance for you to escape, you're willing to take it. 

Cracking the door open, you glanced around the hall, finding that it was empty. He left, now you can escape. Creeping out, you tried to stay quiet as you recalled how to get to the closest exit. Only ducking when you would see another vampire, or a servant walk past. 

It's only been a couple days, but you can now tell them apart. The vampires moved with more grace and authority. The servants were more glass like. Moving like life sized possessed dolls. Either way, both creep you out.

"Where are you going, (Y/N)?" Stifling down a scream, you swirled around to the voice.

Rose was watching you, unblinking, like the other servants. Knowing that she was once your friend, you felt bad for leaving her like this. There's nothing you can do though.

"I was on my way to the ceremony." You lied, "I was just getting to the closest door."

"I see. That would be this way." She hummed walking off. Hesitantly, you followed her. None of the other servants bothered to look at you as you passed. You didn't pass any vampires, so they must all be at the ceremony.

"The ceremony is in the center of the maze." Rose explained leading you out the side door of the castle. You could hardly believe how easy that was. If you had grabbed a random servant earlier, you could have gotten out earlier. 

Hesitating to make sure she wouldn't turn around, you crept to the front of the castle, then started running when you saw the castle gate. It wasn't chained or locked. He probably figured that you were too scared to try to escape, jokes on him though. Pushing the gate open, you sprinted down the road as fast as you could.

Despite being in the forest in the middle of the night, you felt safer here than you did in the castle of vampires. At least you were free now. Sure, Brutus had told you that you had free range of the castle and its grounds, but you just didn't feel safe there. Probably because you knew that you were going to be the only human there. 

Slowing down from the burning in your lungs, you looked down the road you just came from. You couldn't even see the castle anymore. That should be enough running for now. Tensing at the growl, you turned to see three wolves had blocked the path you were going down. Each on baring their fangs at you.

Taking a couple steps back, you screamed when you felt teeth dig into your ankles. Looking over your shoulder, you saw two more wolves had trapped you in. You didn't know there were wolves in these woods. If you had known, you would have stolen a car. Hearing a snarl, you turned back to the wolves in front of you to see one lunge at you. Knocking you to the ground.

From there, you curled up and tried to cover your neck as best as you could. Figures, you escape a castle of vampire just to be killed by wolves. You never imagined you would die by either. Feeling close to passing out, you blinked when the wolves started whimpering and one of them was thrown off. Glancing up at the person who moved to kneel between you and the wolves, you saw that it was Brutus. 

It didn't surprise you he found you. He probably heard your scream or smelt your blood. He looked absolutely livid though he also looked like he was going to cry. You were too tired to care anymore. Wither it be by vampires or werewolves, you were going to die. You couldn't feel the pain anymore. Your vision was starting to blur and fade. You couldn't even hear anything anymore. Closing your eyes, you tried to think of something at least pleasant. You didn't want your last memory to be of your death options.

"(Y/N), Love, please wake up." The voice was faint, but it was starting to get clearer, "Please, open your eyes and look at me."

They sounded so sad, even begging. It hurt you just to hear them. Obeying them, you blinked up at Brutus. He was crying, but he seemed absolutely relieved when he saw that you were awake. Hugging you tightly as if he didn't plan on letting you go.

"You're alive." he whispered, "I thought... I thought I was too late."

"Too late?" you managed to croak out. It hurt, but you could still talk some.

"Those mutts, those werewolves, tried to kill you." He growled, glancing over his shoulder. 

The wolves that attacked you were dead. Now, though, there were four larger wolves and three other people surrounding you two.

"You killed our pups!" One of the women screamed, "This mean war."

"They shouldn't have been in my territory or tried to kill my (Y/N)!" Brutus yelled back, baring his fangs at them, "I can end this war before it begins, but I am not in the mood for messing you any of you. Take your dead and leave."

Instead, they all moved in closer. Closing your eyes against the sudden strong wind, you could have sworn you heard the cries of wolves mixed with it. Once the wind died down, you opened your eyes to find that you had been correct. All the wolves were dead. 

Brutus was back to kneeling in front of you like he hadn't just killed them. He's the only one around who could have though. 

"What happened?" You asked, which made him look down, on the verge of crying again.

"Those monsters tried to kill you. I had to turn you to save you." He sighed, "I didn't... I didn't want to turn you under these circumstances, but I couldn't just let you die. I love you too much for that to happen."

 You didn't expect an actual heartfelt confession like that. Just like you didn't expect him to kiss you then. Glancing at him then at the werewolves when he pulled away, you didn't know what to say. You certainly didn't want to be a vampire; you didn't want to meet a grim reaper either though. He actually saved you in a strange, twisted way. He's certainly acting as loving and caring as he had that night in the maze. 

Letting out a small squeak as he picked you up, you glanced at him in confusion. He wasn't looking at you, but you could see that he was absolutely heartbroken.

"The ceremony will be cancelled since you've already been turned." He grumbled, walking to the castle, "I'll just give you space when we get back."

Now that you think about it, he hasn't ever actually hurt you. He's always cherished you whenever you would let him near you. Hesitating for a minute, you decided to take a small chance and kissed him. His red eyes widening at you when you pulled back.

"Thank you for saving me." You muttered, resting your chin on his shoulder since he couldn't see your embarrassment from there, "It's just as you said before. I could learn to love you, right?"

You still couldn't look him in the eyes, but you could almost imagine his smile when he squeezed you tightly in a hug.

"Exactly, Love."

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