Yandere Killer pt 2

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Feeling a hand on your head, you tried to hold back a whimper of pain. Curling your legs to yourself as closely as you could. It got a chuckle from the only other person in the room. It's only been a week since your capture, but they've already got 

"What's wrong, Little Prey." Max chuckled, darkly, "Still not feeling well?"

Nodding your head, you tried not to flinch when his knife dug into the table by the bed. It's how he always puts it down. He says it's for if anyone find the room and he has to kill them. Rex doesn't do that though. Instead, Rex keeps a gun on himself. Yeah, you had no idea he was willing to kill, like his brother.

"Well, Rex should be coming back with some medicine. We've got cops snooping around again, so he'll watch you for a couple of hours. I'll deal with them."

It was then you heard the door to the secret room open. Rex walking in with a bag. Guilt on his face as he looked at you. Then he turned to his brother.

"Cops are surveying at least two blocks around for (Y/N)." He reported, setting the bag down by the bed then sitting on it.

"I'll take care of them. Make sure that Little Prey feels better. I don't want to come home with them still sick. It ruins our fun." Max growled, before grabbing his knife and leaving.

With the actual killer gone, you groaned as you buried you face in the pillow. Wrapping your arms around your stomach. At least Rex has some sympathy. Feeling his hand on your shoulder, you glanced at him with tears in your eyes. 

"(Y/N), here. See if you can take some medicine." Sitting up, you took the pills and water from him.

You barely got the pills down before you bolted for the bathroom. Spitting up in the trashcan and seeing red. Behind you, Rex gasped before grabbing your arms to guide you up. Leading you back to the bed with the trashcan in your arms. You leaned against the post as you saw him call someone. His brother most likely.

"I'm taking (Y/N) to the hospital." He stated firmly, "I don't care what you think. There was red. That means internal bleeding. We have to make sure everything is okay."

There was silence before you felt him wrap his arms around your shoulders. You leaned against him as he led you to the garage. Opening the car door to let you in.

"Buckle up." He instructed climbing into the driver seat and driving off, "Look, (Y/N), I'll admit I'm tired of living like this. I'm tired of sharing you with Max. Let's make a deal. We go to the police together after you get out of the hospital. We say Max kidnapped you and took you to an abandoned cabin in the woods at the edge of town. He'll go back to jail, and we can go back to the way we were before. On track to being in a relationship. Just think about it and give me your answer when you feel better."

Choosing to ignore his plead deal, you mentally counted the streets. You waited before taking off your seat belt. Pretending to adjust to get comfortable, you turned and started kicking him as hard as you could. Hearing his yell before feeling him hit the brakes of the car. Kicking him a couple more times for good measures, you opened your door and bolted down the street.

It only took three days of acting like you were in pain, but you knew Rex was the weak link between the two brothers. He would be the only to convince that you needed to go to a hospital. The red he saw in the trash was from a tomato from dinner the night before. Running as fast as you could, something tackled you down. When you tried to scream, a hand covered your mouth.

"I knew it." Max hissed, making your blood freeze as tears pricked your eyes.

You tried to push or punch him off, but he easily overpowered you. Pinning your hands above you while rope was tied around them. Then rope was tied around your legs. 

"I told you the Little Prey was faking it." Max snapped, lifting your arms up with one hand and pressing your head to his chest so he could keep his hand over your mouth.

"I thought it was blood. I panicked." Rex huffed, before they stuffed you into the car. 

Max taking the back seat with you, while Rex started to drive. From the mirror, you could see that it looked like his nose was broken and he had bruises forming around his eyes and he had a split lip. Rex only held out a piece of paper to him.

"Go here while I teach our Little Prey a lesson about what happens after an escape attempt." Max growled turning to you.

His skull painted face reminding you of the movie you saw about him. He absolutely terrified you. Your fear didn't go down any when you felt him grab the back of your neck tightly to make you look at him.

"As much as I like a good chase, I don't like it in town." He murmured, kissing you roughly, "It was a good attempt. You almost escaped, so your punishment will fit how close you come to getting away permanently."

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you were going to kick him, but it was like he read your mind. He held up his knife to your throat. A warning look in his dark eyes.

"You'll only add onto your punishment." He warned before kissing you again.

Only this time, he didn't let up. You were running low on air when you managed a whimper.

Your vision going dark before you heard Rex speak.

"Max, knock it off" Rex ordered, earning a growl from Max.

You were already blacking out though. Only gasping awake when cold water splashed on you. Shivering against the cold and the ice cubes that slid down your shirt, you glanced around. You were handing from the ceiling in the living room of a surprisingly cozy looking cabin. Your arms ached, so you must have been hanging here for a while. Across the living room, you saw Rex was also hanging. Though he looked like he got more bruises and wounds since you passed out.

"Good, you're awake. Now we can continue your punishment." Max chuckled, before leaning up and biting the side of your neck.

You couldn't help but yell in pain as he let you go and licked the new wound. A sadistic, deep chuckle leaving him when he leaned up to kiss you. You even started to cry when you tasted copper on his lips.

"Max, please stop." Rex wheezed, though that sounded like it hurt him.

Max glared at him before digging a knife into Rex's shoulder. Earning a scream from both of you. Disgusted, you tried to force the rope to turn you around so you wouldn't have to look at them. Max only turned you back around. Irritation and possessiveness in his eyes as he glared back at his brother.

"Why should I?" Max snapped, wrapping an arm around your waist, "My own brother was going to betray me. Try to steal the only person I worked my whole life to have. If you hadn't planned it in the car, I wouldn't have known. it's something I learned in jail. Never trust anyone, even the one person you think you can trust."

"Your punishment will be to watch as I make (Y/N) mine., in mind, body, and soul. " He decided, then kissed your neck, "If I think you've been punished enough, I'll let you down to join us. Plus, you'll make a nice knife holder like that. (Y/N), your punishment will take a day to finish. It should teach you not to run again."

"P... please, I won't try to run again." You pleaded, "I swear. Please, don't hurt me."

"I love hearing you plead. I'll hear more soon." He chuckled, nipping your jaw, "You both are at my mercy now. Don't betray me after your punishments and we won't go through these again. You'll never be able to escape anyway."

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