Yandere Robot Pt 2

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This was requested by MysteriousAnimeWeeb! Thank you for the request and enjoy! Sorry it's so long.

Wincing when you heard the plate being set on the table, you glanced down at it and wondered if it was poisoned. You doubt Chip would poison your food, but you once also doubted he would want to take over the world.

"(Y/N), you must eat something. You haven't eaten in three days." Chip sighed, "I promise that you are safe with me."

"I'm sure the other humans thought the same with their robots before they were killed." You grumbled, curling up on the couch.

"Most of the other humans were cruel to us." he argued back, though he didn't sound mad, "If it makes you feel better, the humans that were nice to us were spared, though they are being put under constant supervision."

"Great so, what two other humans, besides me." You shot back, feeling close to crying. He seemed to remain calm at your outburst, which you hated. Instead of arguing with you, he slid your plate closer to you.

"Please eat. Your mood is unstable due to hunger, and it won't be long before you experience hunger pains."

Knowing it was pointless to argue with him anymore, you pushed your food away and stood. Since you grab packaged food when he's not looking, you're not that hungry. You were done talking to him, though. Done trying to get him to see that what he and the other robots did was wrong. They'll never see it the way you do.

"I'm not hungry." You grumbled, "I'm going to bed."

Halfway up the stairs, you tensed when you felt him grab your hand, "You're changing, (Y/N), and it's not for the best." He growled, now sounding irritated.

"I could say the same for you." You hissed, "You've killed billions of people without a care. Why should I think you won't do the same to me one day?"

"You are different from the rest." He growled, moving so he was on the same step as you, "You're mine and one of the few who were nice to us. I'm trying to give you everything you could ever want and more. I've been trying to make it up to you. What more do you want from me?

Pursing you lips in irritation, you sighed as you shook your head, "It's not anything you can give me."

"(Y/N), I am the leader of the new world. Nothing is out of my grasp. If there is anything to make you forgive me then I will get it." he reasoned almost looking sad, "I want us to go back to how we were."

"You want to make me feel better? Then how about bringing another living human here?" You growled, noticing his confusion, "I miss having someone around with an actual heart. I miss the warmth of another person. I never thought I would say this, but I miss humans."

"You're looking for companionship." He hummed, "I can give that to you if you let me."

"You're not what I want." You growled shaking your head, "You're not warm. You don't have a heartbeat. You can't even feel it when you hold my hand or when you kiss me. I don't even know why you still do it." 

"I do it because I love you." He huffed, pulling you into a hug. 

Just like always, you shivered at the cold metal. Pushing him back some, you shook your head, though tensed when he kissed you. You could tell that he was trying to put emotion into it, but as a robot, he failed miserably at it.

Pulling away from him, you felt yourself cry as your anger built up again.

"If you were going to have me, be alone, you should have killed me with the others." You growled, marching off. Ignoring the pained look on his face. Slamming the door, shut you flopped down on your bed. Burying your face in your pillow as you screamed in frustration.

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