Orc pt 3

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Stretching as you sat up, you glanced down at Yambul as he pulled you closer. He did it in his sleep, which doesn't surprise you. During this past year you've been with him, he's insisted that you sleep with him. Nothing romantic or anything like that, but for your safety. At first you absolutely refused, and even had a second bed in his hut. Until a very cold night forced you to share the bed with him for warmth, which you quickly became addicted to. He was like a heat magnet. Since he's also bigger than you that means you're wrapped in warmth all night long, which you love.

Wiggling away from him, you quickly changed into clothes before heading out. There were several other orcs who were starting their morning chores. Your chore for the morning is to pick herbs and fruits with Yambul's mother. Something you actually enjoy doing despite the fact that some orcs are still hostile towards you.

"Look at that, the Little Human didn't run away in the night." Turning to the harsh male voice, you saw a male and a female making their way towards you, "I have to give you credit for staying true to the deal your human king made, that won't last long though. There are already others planning to kill you."

"Others or just you two." You scoffed crossing your arms, " Near everyone else has accepted me except you two. Which from the looks of you two, I could easily take you."

"You wish." The female growled, making you smirk.

"Oh, then maybe my original title is being forgotten." You pretended to yawn while stretching your neck where you still had the tusks hanging.

Yambul and the other orcs insisted you keep them as a reminder of the battles you've won. Something the orcs themselves are proud of too. There are many who keep jewelry or weapons from their own battles. The male raised his fist as if he to hit you, which you were prepared to dodge. What you didn't expect was for someone to wrap their arm around you and punch the orc back several feet.

"Don't ever think of punching her again." Yambul roared pulling you closer to him, "This is my mate and your future chiefess. To fight her is to fight me."

They both seemed stunned as the woman helped the man up. Both of the scurrying off, out of sight from the other who were watching. No one was fazed though as they went back to work. Sighing, you gently pushed Yambul's arm off you.

"I had that handled." You pouted, earning a chuckle from him.

"I know you did, but they made me mad." He explained, handing you a black dragon scaled sword, "Incase, you run into any dire creatures in the words."

"Thanks. You're going hunting later, right?" You asked earning a nod from him.

Your eyes fell to the large teeth scars on his shoulder. It's where the direwolf bit him when he saved you. You still feel a little bad about it, though he's insisted that you shouldn't. As if he knew what you were thinking, he squeezed your shoulder with a small smile.

"Be careful out there then." You spoke, tensing and feeling your face warm up when you heard laughing behind you.

"So cute seeing you two act like a couple." Turning to Yambul's mother, Naz, you cleared your throat as you quickly moved to her and away from him.

"Good, you're here. Let's go." You coughed, grabbing her arm as you attempted to drag her too the woods.

She went willingly, since you know you can't actually drag her anywhere. However, she clearly wasn't going wanting to drop the topic because after nearly half an hour of picking, she was still laughing at you. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a berry and flicked it at her face. Earning a shocked gasp from her.

"Honestly, you're acting like a child." You pouted, earning a smirk from her.

"It's entertaining watching you and Yambul fall in love." She admitted, shocking you.

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