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"Do we have to leave so early?" You asked, though was ignored by your screaming family. Each one arguing with each other stupid things. It was either about time, presents, food, or family members. None of them showed any Christmas spirit. It kind of made you sad considering you wanted to keep giving toys to the kids at the hospital. You still had a bag full of stuffed animals you wanted to give.

"(Y/N), don't you start too!" Your mother screamed making you wince and look down. Forcing yourself to keep from crying, you glanced around at anything to keep yourself distracted. Noticing someone sitting against a building. He had some a blanket over his legs, but he didn't even have a shirt on, let alone a coat. The poor man will freeze in this cold, like that. Glancing to make sure your family wasn't paying attention, you shuffled away from the group to the man.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" You asked, "It's freezing. You should find someplace warm."

He only glared at you and pulled his hand over his head more, " No one will take me in. I should say the same to you, though. Your family is walking home in the snow."

"Yeah, we had to leave our plans early." You coughed, "Well, why don't you come home with us? It will be warmer than staying out here in the cold."

"You're actually offering a stranger a place to stay?" He scoffed like he didn't believe you.

"It's Christmas after all and you look freezing." You pointed out, then winced when you heard someone scream your name. Looking over, you saw your father storming over with pure fury on his face.

" (Y/N), get home now." He growled, grabbing your coat to drag you away.

"Dad, this man needs help." You announced, which is when your father finally noticed the man, but glared at him.

"We're not taking in a stranger." He growled, pulling on your coat again, "Now come on."

"Let them go." The man growled standing almost in a threating stance

Now that you got a better look at him, he didn't look that poor. He definitely looked fit, though you know better than to judge people like that. Your father on the other hand paled and let you go.

"(Y/N), I expect you home in an hour." Your father grumbled marching off.

"Great family." You could hear the sarcasm in the man's voice but didn't say anything, "So, what's in the bag?"

"Oh, we were giving toys to the kids in the hospital, but well, you know." Not wanting to get into it, you trailed off.

"I see. Well, I know someone who can give those toys. I can get him to deliver them."

"Yes, thank you so much." You chuckled, flinching when he moved a hand to your face.

"You're crying on Christmas. Is it that bad?" He asked.

"Just family arguing. Same as every Christmas." You tried to laugh it off but found that you cried a little more.

"It will get better." He assured you, making you smile.

"Thanks," remembering why you first approached him you gasped, "I nearly forgot. You must be freezing."

Saying that, you pulled your coat off and put it around his shoulders. He looked absolutely surprised, as if he didn't expect you to do that.

"I can't take you home, but I can at least do this for you. I know it's not much, but it should be a little warmer." You offered him a smile, then squeaked when he pulled you into a hug.

"I've never meet someone a kind as you. You are beautiful."  Feeling your face flush, you hugged him back. Surprised that he was really warm and smelled a little of smoked wood.

"Thank you." You giggled, pulling away, "I should get going."

"Right." He hummed holding a bell out to you, "To show my gratitude."

Taking it from him, you studied the beautiful carvings on it, "Thank you and Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)." Nodding you turned to leave but paused and turned to ask him a question.

The question left your mind when you saw he wasn't there. There was no way anyone could move that quietly. Shivering from the increasing cold, you hurried home. 

Frowning when you heard your family still arguing when you entered. You didn't want to deal with your screaming parents or siblings, so you just went to your room. All you wanted was a nice Christmas, for once this year. You didn't think that was unreasonable, but to your family it must be. Trying not to cry, you set the bell on your nightstand and crawled into bed. Crying yourself to sleep, until you jerked awake from someone pulling your blanket off.

"Get them." Hearing the cackling voices, you screamed and tried to fight the claws of your attackers away. You didn't succeed as they grabbed your arms and legs before lifting you over their head. Carrying you downstairs where you heard your family's muffled screams.

They were in the living room, with wrapping paper trapping them. Different Christmas items from toy, to living cookies, snowmen guarding them. Each one turned to you with wicked grins, before you felt a larger, clawed hand grab your hand and pull you to your feet. Though the first thing you looked at were the creatures that dragged you out of bed. Evil looking elves that barely stood a foot off the ground.

"Let (Y/N) go." Hearing your father's scream, you finally turned to the creature that still had a grip on your hand. Feeling your breath freeze when you saw the homeless man you gave your coat to. Only he had goat horns, goat legs from the waist down, and he was bigger. Very much bigger than when you first saw him. Now you barely stood to his chest.

"You don't seem to get that you're not in charge." the man sneered, wrapping an arm around your waist, "None of you hold the Christmas spirit the way (Y/N) does. None of you deserve to have (Y/N) in your life. I think punishments need to be dealt."

Finally getting over your shock, you realized what was going on. You had been talking to Krampus. The evil spirit of Christmas himself. Hearing the screams of your family, you looked over to see that the creatures were getting ready to throw them into the fireplace that now looked more demonic than welcoming.

"W..Wait Krampus, please." You pleaded, pulling his coat, "Don't send them away."

"(Y/N), they've made every Christmas miserable for you. Why should I show them any mercy when they don't do the same for others?" He sneered glaring at them.

"Please." You whimpered. Sure, they weren't the best family, but they were the only ones you had. At your cry, he looked at you, with his face softening before he nodded. The creatures whining in protest as the portal closed.

"(Y/N), is coming with me in exchange for sparing you." He growled, "Let their absence be a reminder to you all."

Yelping as he flung you onto his shoulder, the last thing you saw was your families' horrified faces as he carried you into the blizzard outside. When he got to his sleigh, he set you in his lap and wrapped his large coat around you. It was really warm compared to the cold, but you were still letting your mind process what was going on.

"Why are you taking me?" You asked as he flew.

"You need a real Merry Christmas, which I can give you." He explained, "A beautiful person like you deserves to be happy."

"You can give me a Merry Christmas, even though your Krampus?" You asked, making him smirk

"We have the same Christmas traditions; we just do things a little differently." He gave you a small flirty growl, then grabbed your chin and pulled you into a kiss that lasted until you had to pull away for air. That was when you noticed the mistletoe on his horn.

"Mistletoe?" You asked, feeling your face burn when he chuckled.

"Yes. We especially have mistletoe all over the den." He growled, kissing you again, "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)."

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