Yandere Wizard

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This was requested by ChauUniversal Killer1! Thank you for the request and I hope you like it! The reader is a Gulem in this one.

"Wake up, (Y/N)." Blinking, you looked up at the man who was watching you.

Concern on his face before he smiled in pure excitement.

"I did it." he cheered helping you sit up before hugging you tightly, "You're alive. Do you know who I am?"

"My master." You answered to the best of your knowledge.

"Close enough. I am your friend Warlock Leon" He introduced, helping you stand, "What do you think about me? Do you love me?"

You have no idea what he's talking about. He's your master. You're here to do what he wants you to. You don't know what this love is, that he's talking about.

"Um, Master Leon, what is love?" You asked, noticing that his smile fell.

"It's what you feel for someone. A willingness to do everything for them. Protect them, keep them for yourself, be near them every second of the day." He explained, making you nod.

"The reason you created me. A servant." You summed up, making him shake his head.

"No, it's deeper than that." He grumbled looking away from you to a book, "I did everything right. Why don't you understand feelings? Why don't you love me?"

When he flipped through the book furiously, you got an idea.

"Master, is it possible to teach me what feelings are?" You questioned, making him look at you.

He was silent for a minute as if he was thinking of it before nodding. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you out of the house and down the cobble road.

"You might have been just created, (Y/N), but you are the smartest golem ever created." He laughed, pulling you closer and locking arms with you, "You have to stay close to me though. These people are not nice."

Nodding, you glanced around as town came into view. Watching the people go about their day, you wondered what Leon meant about them not being friendly. Until there was a scream, and everyone started running inside the buildings closest to them.

"What happened?" You asked, blinking at the frown on his face.

"It's always like this." He grumbled before smiling at you, "I created you to take their place in my life, so don't worry about them."

Nodding, you tensed when you saw a man in white marching his way towards you two. He didn't look friendly at all. A glare on his face pointed directly at you.

"Leon, what have you done?" He growled, "You're playing god now? First it was raising the dead, now creating life?"

"Since no one here is willing to be anywhere close to me, I created someone who will always be here for me. Besides, I tried to bring my familiar back after the towns people killed him." Leon snapped, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

"You're getting out of control. She has to be destroyed." The man growled before you saw the white light shining on his hands.

"I'm trying too not be alone." Leon yelled, before a dark light surrounded his arms, while he pushed you behind him, " I'm not here to fight. I'm here to teach (Y/N) what feelings are. Happiness, joy, and love. Last I checked, White Wizards weren't against that."

There was a moment of silence, before the man in white calmed down. Though he still had a glare on his face.

"Fine. No dark magic while you're in town. You're being watched."

Watching him walk off, you looked at Leon to see that he was glaring at the wizard, "Master?"

"Let's find some stuff that you like." He encouraged, pulling you along again.

-3 Months Later-

"Why?" Looking over at Leon, you noticed that he was studying over his book again. 

He's told you that he's done everything he can think of to show you what feelings are. You now understand them, but you don't feel them. You don't feel love, or sadness, or anger. You can't feel anything physical either, like heat or cold. The only reason you believe you can't be because you're a golem. Your kind is usually made to work, not love. Since then, Leon has been trying to find a way to give you feelings, using magic. He's almost worked himself to exhaustion though.

Recalling what normally calms him down, you patted his shoulder, "I'm going to make you some tea."

He nodded, as he grabbed your hand and kissed it, "Do you really still feel nothing for me?"

Shaking your head, you frowned, "No Master Leon. Even if I did, I am not sure it would be right. You made me out of clay. I'm not human."

"Never say that." He growled standing and grabbing your shoulders, "I created you to love me, just as much as I love you. You're not just a golem to me. You're my perfect love. Don't ever say that my love for you is not right, because it is."

Nodding, you blinked at him when he kissed you. He had done this before too, but you still felt nothing. Letting him pull back, you patted his shoulder.

"I'll go make you that tea. I'm going to go to the garden to get the leaves." Leaving him in the house, you grabbed a basket as you went to the garden.

Looking up briefly when you heard someone walking on the cobble. The White Wizard was walking towards you with the villagers behind him. They've made it clear that they don't like you, but you know there's nothing you can do about it.

"White Wizard, what can I do for you?" You asked, taking a step back when the fireball appeared in his hands.

"This has gone on long enough. I should have done this months ago." He huffed, throwing it at you. 

You barely dodged it and made a run for the house. It's clear that one hit and you'll crumble to dust. Not something you want.

"Master!" You screamed, knowing he was the only one who could match the White Wizard.

"(Y/N)?" Seeing him horrified as he ran out of the house, you urged yourself to run faster.

Though, you suddenly couldn't move. Your vision cracking to pieces as you saw Leon crumble to his knees with tears streaming down his face. That was it before your vision went black.

"Wake up (Y/N), please. Come back to me." Hearing Leon's plead; you opened your eyes.

Your head was in his lap as he cried over you. Seeing his tears, you felt your chest suddenly twist in slight pain.

"Master." You whispered, noticing his eyes widen at you, "My chest hurts."

"Do you feel anything else?" He gasped helping you sit up. 

Looking back at him, your mouth fell open when your chest started beating hard. It wasn't bad though. Not to mention your face felt off suddenly.

"My chest is pounding, and my cheeks feel weird." You coughed, "What happened? What is this?"

"Those are feelings." He chuckled, pulling you into a kiss, which you actually felt this time.

"How?" You panted when he pulled away, "I shouldn't feel anything."

"I stole his heart and gave it to you." He huffed with a slight dark tone in his voice, "I made you a real person. Using the heart of the White Wizard and some other liquid ingredients from the towns people."

"That's why I feel, like this?"

"Feel love for me?" He hummed, pecking your lips, "Yes. Now you will love me."

Yelping as he suddenly picked you up, you wrapped his arms around his neck, before looking over his shoulder. There were black smoke and some people lying on the ground not moving.

"Master, what happened?" You asked, but he turned your head to him with magic and kissed you again.

"Nothing for you to worry about." He grinned, "Let's go home."

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