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This was requested by DropKickedAKid! Enjoy!

"(Y/N), are you ready for today?" Selene cheered, grabbing your vase of water, almost making you spill it.

"Ready for, what?" You asked trying to remember what day it was.

"It's the Isthmian Games." She laughed, making you sigh.

You know the games. They're to honor the God Poseidon. It's not that you don't worship the god, but you're not interested in the games. You would rather be at the beach, painting. You have a small room full of paintings at home. 

"Selene, I'm not sure." You sighed, nudging your door open with your lead, "You know I'm not interested in those."

"It's for our God Poseidon, though." She whined taking your vase of water from you and setting it down, "Come on. You'll love it this time. My brother is participating so we will have good seats."

You didn't get a chance to object before she grabbed your arm and pulled you along. The colosseum was packed as it usually is for these games. You had to admit that the seats were good. Front row, where you could see everything clearly. The only best spot was the emperor's box.

"Selene, I see you made it and you brought (Y/N)." Selene's brother Tobias called approaching the wall, "I hope you'll cheer for me."

"No way. They'll cheer for me. Won't you, lovely?" Raising an eyebrow at the man who yelled up to you.

"Who are you?" Selene questioned, as the boys gave each other playful shoves.

"Neptunus," He introduced as a horn blew, "Remember it when I start winning, fair (Y/N)."

Watching them walk away, you glanced over at Selene. Her eyes were obviously focused on, Neptunus. Giving her a playful nudge, you rolled your eyes at her sheepish smile.

"Really? You don't even know the man." You teased as the race started.

"That don't mean I can't admire. Besides, I'm not the one he called, fair." She teased, making you laughed, "Just watch the games."

You had to admit that it was fun to watch for once. Neptunus and Tobias were neck and neck throughout the whole games. One game, Neptunus would win, the next it would be Tobius. In the end though, it was Neptunus who won.

"Are we good here?" You asked, "Can I go home?"

"I guess." She sighed, "I'm going to join the after celebration. I'll see you tomorrow. I want to see the painting when you're done."

Giving her a wave, you hurried out of the place. Making it home, you gathered your paint supplies and went to the beach. With the crowd being busy at the festival, you have the whole place to yourself.

Setting up, you watched the sea closely as you painted. Catching every shade of the setting sky and the dark color of the storms in the distance. After the excitement of the day, this is the best way to calm down to you. You have plenty of time to finish it before the storm arrives anyway.

"Here you are. my fair (Y/N)" Finishing the painting, you looked over your shoulder at the voice, "Me and Tobias were looking for you. We thought you would want to join in on my celebration."

Neptunus was peering at the painting, so you tried to shuffle over to hide it, "I'm good here. Thank you though."

"I would say." He nodded, stepping closer to look at it over you, "This is amazing. The color matches the real thing. You are very talented. It seems as if the Muses favor you."

"Ah, thank you." You coughed, in an attempt to hide your embarrassment, "You did good today yourself. It was fun watching you and Tobias challenge each other."

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