Yandere Naga (His Pov)

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This was asked for by yoonjoonot7! Thank you for the request and the idea! I hope it's close to what you wanted. The reader is female in this one. Also, there is violence and death. Enjoy!

"This is stupid." My wife, Ruby hissed, "For all we know this is a trap."

Glancing around the human town as we approached the palace, I knew that it wasn't. This war has taken a terrible toll on the humans. I'm sure King Damon knows that and wants to save his people. Besides, if it is a trap, I already have soldiers hidden in the palace. That's the good thing about being part snake. We can sneak into places without others knowing it.

"If it ends this pointless war, then it's worth it." I growled glaring at her, then yanking my hand away from my daughter when she tried to grab it, "All of this, for a stupid crown that doesn't even belong to either of you."

"It's pretty though father. I deserve it." Alia demanded before shrinking under my glare.

I want them to be afraid of me. Years of war for the human queen's crown. Selfish greed due to my wife and daughter. I'm almost ashamed to have them in my life. Making sure that I scared them into silence, we went in.

The Throne room seemed duller than when I was last here. I wonder if war can do that too. Glancing out the window, I saw the human town looked just as bad. I pity them. Hearing doors open, I turned to see King Damon walking in. He was much paler and thinner than I remember. It looks like the war wasn't any better on him either. He didn't show any weakness though. 

Behind him, a woman walked in. Her head held high with radiant pride. She seemed to be the brightest thing in this dull room. She even out shined the crown in her hands. Her appearance was enough to stun me. Surely that's not his queen though. I recall during our last meeting that the king mentioned a daughter. This must be her, with how young she looks.

"I have to say, King Damon, I'm surprised you invited me, given out current situation." I hummed, though he didn't look amused.

"We are done with this war, King Lucas." Damon declared before turning to the woman, "(Y/N), if you will please."

She nodded, before her gaze settled on me and she approached me. Her face expressionless, but her (C/E) held sadness in them. I wonder how much her eyes would shine if she was happy. I'm sure this war hasn't made her happy. I regret starting it, now that I'm sure it's affected her in some way.

"Here is the crown." She spoke, holding it out to me with a small curtsy. 

I wasn't expecting her to talk to me or be this polite. Accepting the crown from her, I tried not to gasp at how warm her fingers were. It might have been a light touch, but her heat lingered on my fingers.  I have to say something. Anything to hear her talk again.

"It is generous of the queen to give her crown. We have to thank her personally. Where is she?" I questioned, making her frown slightly.

"My mother died due to an illness brought on by the war." (Y/N) explained, appearing strong.

I could see that she was trying not to cry though. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I was about to apologize, when Alia suddenly moved between us. Shoving (Y/N) out of the way as she snatched the crown from my hands. I didn't care though. Grabbing (Y/N), I managed to pull her back and helping her regain her balance.

"I got the crown." Alia cheered while Ruby laughed.

"You'll have to share with me, don't forget." Ruby reminded her, making me roll my eyes before turning back to (Y/N).

"Are you okay?" I asked, thought she only nodded.

She didn't say anything else as she went to stand by her father. Damon looking irritated at us. The guards around the were clearly on high alert. I'm sure that brat didn't make this situation better.

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