Yandere Krampus

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This was requested by Kaydance_kitty! I hope you enjoy!

"Guys, this isn't a good idea." You pointed out, though with how soft your voice was, the elves ignored you. Despite being the child of Santa you were often ignored or bullied by the elves. Even now as you followed the group of four to the Taiga Forest, they joked among themselves and ignored you.

"Who wants to go first?" Melody cheered as you all looked into the forest that was forbidden for all Christmas creatures to enter. Your father had always said that a horrible monster lived in the darkness of the forest. Up until today, you made sure to avoid it. 

"Why don't you go, since you brought it up." Noel laughed shoving Melody into the trees. The elf let out a shriek at the push before turning back to the group with a pout.

"Fine, I will, but you all have to come in together." She bargained, which the others nodded to.

"We should go home." You squeaked, earning glares and eye rolls from the others.

"Why should we listen to you little mouse?" Jolly sneered, "You're afraid of even your own shadow. Maybe if you live a little, you won't be so quiet."

Not understanding how the two were connected, you yelped when you felt two of them grab you then drag you into the forest with them. Despite what most think, Christmas elves are the same size as other elves. In fact, a lot of the times, when they leave the North Pole in their winter gear, they are mistaken as Yetis. Those these elves are certainly as stubborn as Yetis. 

You wanted to object about going into the forest, but knowing you would only be ignored, you kept quiet. That didn't stop you from digging your heels into the snow though.

"See, (Y/N), this isn't so bad."  Tinsel laughed, before lifting you onto his shoulder. Probably tired of dragging you. Frowning, you looked around, when you realized something was off. Doing a mental head count, you realized that Jolly wasn't with your group.

"Where's Jolly?" You asked, looking around the forest with the others. You couldn't even hear him giggling if he was jokingly hiding.

"He's probably just pulling a prank on us." Melody huffed as Tinsel set you down.

Feeling your chest tighten as a chilling cold surrounded your body, you shook shuttered as you tried to stay on your feet. This magic you felt was dark. It felt overwhelming and powerful. It was almost reminded you of your father's only instead of giving warmth, it sucked it out of you.

"It's not." You whimpered looking around cautiously, "Somethings wrong. Something powerful is in here."

"Yeah, right." Melody hissed, though she looked spooked by your words, "Stop trying to scare us."

She immediately screamed as something pulled her under the snow. The thing visibly digging in the snow towards the three of you.

"Get to the trees." Tinsel screamed as the three of you ran. All of you climbing the same tree, then looking down to see what the creature was. It never came out of the snow though. Instead digging away to the forest. You couldn't know for sure if it was gone though.

"What are we going to do now?" Noel whispered, "We can't run as fast as that thing digs."

Trying to come up with a plan, you opened your mouth to tell it, but fell quiet at the loud roar, that made your head spin. That thing was something you didn't want to meet. Grabbing some snow from the closest tree branch, you made a small snowball. Pouring as much of your magic into it as you could before showing it to them.

"This should take us to the North Pole. Once it opens though we're going to have to run. I don't have enough powers to keep it open for long." You explained, noticing their surprised faces, "What?"

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