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This was requested by Monsterdawg290! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Groaning at the loud clanking of metal, you winced your eyes open. Seeing the ground go by just past the bars. Peering around the cage, your eyes went wide when you saw the hyena like beings were marching. A couple of them snarling at you when they saw you were awake. The memories of the night before returned. You had finished your chores for the day when these Gnolls attacked. One had managed to grab you and take you prisoner. If you had to guess it had knocked you out.

Turning to the ones driving the wagon the cage was on, you moved closer to the one in the front, "Excuse me, where are we going?"

That earning a snarl from him as he glared over its shoulder at you, "Quiet slave or you'll be dinner."

Shutting your mouth, you nodded. Grinning the bars as the whole wagon shook. A gnoll with more armor than the others, moved his horse closer. He must be the leader, you guessed. His eyes scanning you before moving to the one driving the wagon. The spoke in grunts and growls that you didn't understand. It was when the one driving the wagon seemed to growl as he glanced at you, that you found out they were talking about you. Then the leader let out a bark that made the whole pack stop. The one driving the wagon, opened your cage to drag you out.

"You will call me Master Ker, slave." He growled, unlocking the cuffs around your hands, "You'll start by gathering firewood and gathering water."

Grunting at his harsh shove, you glared at him, before looking around. You saw that several Gnolls had human slaves of their own. Most of the humans were being treated much worse than you were. For now, you can deal with this until you escape.

-Three Weeks Later-

A horn blared through the camp. Signaling that the scavengers were back. Setting down the firewood, you hurried to the front. It's taking a while for you to plan an escape that will succeed. You've been doing everything Ker says in the meantime. Everything from gathering wood, to hunting, and even laying down with him so he could use you like a pillow.

Scanning the crowd, you spotted Ker limping towards you, "Slave, bind my wounds."

Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a medical kit and went back to him. Wrapping the bandages around his right arm, left leg, and right shoulder. They looked like arrow wounds, not surprising to you. When the pack entered the forest a couple of days ago, you tried to warn them about the elves. Obviously, they didn't listen.

A chill ran down your spine, making you look up at him. He was just staring at you. It's something he's been doing a lot more lately. At first you thought he was just lost in thought, just randomly staring without knowing. However, when you would move, his eyes would follow you. You've even woken up to see him staring at you. Sometimes, he would even look like he wanted to say something but would shake his head and turn away. Hoping to distract him, you decided to bring up the wounds.

"Elves?"  You guessed, earning a hummed yes from him, " They must have attacked pretty close from the size of the wounds."

"Decently." He remarked, "(Y/N), why haven't you tried to run away?"

"What?" Does he know your plan?

"All slaves try to run away nearly four days after being captured. Not you." Oh, that's it.

Relaxing a little, you looked around the camp, "Well, I've heard that slaves who try to run get the worst treatment from their masters. Not something I want to be honest and there are enough guys here that I could even find a husband someday."

"You want to make a mate out of a slave?" He scoffed, shaking his head, "A Gnoll would be a better mate."

"I'm a slave to though." You pointed out, earning silence from him, "A gnoll and a slave could never work out like that. Besides some of these human guys are big enough and strong enough to impress me."

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