Mafia Werewolf Pt 3

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"Open it, milaya dorogaya." Ivan encouraged with a chuckle.

You've had an email from a publishing company for a week that you've been too nervous to open. What if they hated your story? What if it wasn't good enough? What if they rejected you, but decided to steal your story for someone else? Those horrifying thoughts raced through your mind to the point they nearly made you sick.

"Can't we just go to the party first?" You tried to bargain with a smile you hoped would convince him, "I promise I'll open it after."

He only raised an eyebrow at you with a smirk, "Milaya Dorogaya, you said that three time this week. Open it."

Looking at the email, you felt your stomach turn, "I'm not ready."

Looking at your keyboard, you looked at him when you saw his arm reach across your vision. Your eyes widening when you heard him click your mouse.

"Dere." He stated, almost like he was proud of himself for that.

Shocked you looked at him then back at the computer. You were ready to click out of it, put stopped when you saw the word 'Accepted' in it. Quickly reading it, you grinned as your excitement skyrocketed.

"They..They liked the book." You laughed, "They liked it. It's published!"

"I knew you could do it." He grinned, though grunted as you jumped up to hug him in excitement.

Wheezing as he hugged you tightly, you laughed when he set you down. You might be going to one of his boring business parties, but now you can keep a real smile on your face without having to fake your interest. You've done these parties a few times with him, though he knows you find them boring. Especially when he has to leave you alone for a little while to talk to other mafia members. Now you actually have something to talk about with other guests though when he does leave you.

"I'll try to keep my excitement down for your party, so I won't embarrass your guests." You giggled, "This is amazing though."

"Be excited as you want. You earned it." He laughed holding his arm out for you to lock with, "Now we go."

Walking with him, you could keep the smile off your face. Even after several deep breaths you still had a large smile on your face. Walking onto the stage behind the curtain, you could hear Eliza on the other side starting her announcement that you and Ivan were here.

"Welcome everyone to tonight's banquette." She greeted, earning claps from everyone, "As you all have seen and read tonight is in honor of a new and uprising writer.  One who is here tonight. It's the author's start to their career and the start of Mr. Volkov's business in literature."

Blinking in surprise at Eliza's announcement, you looked up at Ivan. He only grinned at you before half morphing into his werewolf form. He knew your book was published? What's more, this party is for you and your book?

Watching the curtain rise, you flinched at the bright light for a second before smiling and waving at the crowd. Everyone had a copy of your book. Somewhere even reading with clear interest. Giving a grateful nod to Eliza, you let Ivan lead you off the stage towards the crowd.

"Is this why you wanted me to check open that email?" You asked, earning a sharp toothed grin. from him.

"Da. You like it?" He almost sounded nervous, making you laugh.

"I do, a lot. How did you know?" You questioned, earning a shoulder shrug from him.

"The publishers sent me email." He answered, "I got many books to sell here at your party. The money will be in your account soon." 

He knew everything and even surprised you by helping you sell your books. Sure, over half of the buyers were mobsters, but just from this crowd alone there were at least that's roughly 50 books. A great start to your sales.

This party was quieter than the others, but that was because most of the people were busy reading. There were a few mobsters who tried to pull Ivan to the side to talk business, but Ivan made it clear that it was your party, so he would be staying with you. There were a few that didn't like that, but a threatening growl from Ivan silenced them. The ones that spoke to you about your book made you extremely happy. 

Waving to a fairy mafia's wave, you grabbed Ivan's hand tighter when he lightly pulled you hand. That's always been his way of silently telling you that he wants to talk to you alone at parties like this. Following him to the balcony, you grinned up at him.

"Thank you for all this Ivan." You thanked looking around, "You've been quiet all night though. Is something wrong?"

"Not wrong, but just thinking." He sighed, watching you closely.

_His Pov_

This is it. Eliza and some of the other members of the pack have given me advice on how to do this. I just hope I've proven myself to (Y/N) enough. Finally getting some courage, I was going to speak, but her eyes flickered between me and behind me in fear.

"Ivan." That was all the warning she had to give me.

Turning around while making a fist, I punched the werewolf in the face. Knocking him to the ground. I don't want to risk him getting up to attack us again, so I kept punching him until Rufus and another pack member came to take him away.

"Bad timing," I growled glaring at him as they dragged him away, "As always."

Turning back to (Y/N), I saw that there was absolute trust on their face. They weren't scared at all. It actually makes me happy that they trust me so much that they're not afraid of any danger when they're with me.

"(Y/N), I love you since we first meet." I admitted pulling out the box from my pocket then getting down on one knee, "I will protect you forever. Please marry me?"

Their eyes widened as they looked at me. Did they not expect this? They know I love them more than anything. I want to go to the next chapter of our life, as (Y/N) likes to use in their books. I relaxed, when a large grin crossed their face, and they practically tackled me with a hug. Even in my partial werewolf form, only (Y/N) can take me down in surprise.

"Yes!" They cheered, squeezing me tighter, "I would love to marry you, Ivan."

Grinning, I pulled them into a kiss while slipping the diamond ring on their finger. Due to my fangs, kissing is a little strange when I'm in this form, but we've managed to make it work. Pulling away from the kiss, I wrapped around (Y/N) in a tight hug. Grateful that they said yes.

"I love you, Milaya Dorogaya." I confessed, resting my chin on their head.

"I love you too, Ivan." (Y/M) sighed, making my heart jump in excitement.

I've finally found the one person who could tame the Big Bad Wolf. I'm not going to let my Milaya Dorogaya go.

Milaya Dorogaya- Sweet Darling

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