49. Daddy to The Rescue (Casey)

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   "... and then, when it became clear that dad won't buy the laptop he wanted, he signed up for a dancing contest. He had no idea how to dance, though..." 

   Ebony's playful, vibrant giggle doubles the trickles of cold sweat, sliding down my back. I'm really thrilled to learn about Avery's teenage antics, but my rumbling stomach has exactly the opposite opinion. Something is happening inside it and it's not good at all. 

   "... One of his classmates was giving him lessons every single day for whole two months. Can you imagine that? I am not entirely convinced they were only dancing..." Another ripple of giggles follows, accompanied by a meaningfully raised brow, and she goes on. "He won! Such a stubborn little monkey! The prize was in cash and big enough to buy the laptop and throw a party for the other contestants. It was a total blast. They almost set the house on fire. The pool was full of..." 

   Ebony's chatter is like buzzing in my ears. I can focus on nothing else but my desperate attempts to control the waves of nausea that are trying to take over me.

   "Casey, are you ok, honey? You look quite pale?" she tilts her head.

   I only murmur something like 'mhm', wondering if it's too rude to run to the restroom without explanations. Ebony brings her face closer to mine and this doesn't help my pitiful state at all. 

   We have moved to a beautifully arranged table. Crystal glasses and silverware are shining on a snow white tablecloth.  A bottle of white, sparkling whine, costing an arm and a leg, is placed in the middle. I'm gazing at the big plate of shrimp paella in front of me. I can swear that the little bastards are moving their whiskers. 

   "I... Sorry," I manage to mutter and scoot off. 

   I grip the edge of the luxury, teak, vanity countertop and all the pancakes from this morning fill the stone sink to the rim, before the restroom door has even closed behind me. A feeling of utter relief splashes over me, as if something poisonous was burning my body from inside out and I just got rid of it. It lasts only for a few seconds, though, and the next onset of nausea comes. The spasms twist my insides and I keep throwing up until there's nothing else that can leave my body but bile. I'm shaking. My throat hurts. The taste in my mouth is nasty. I turn on the water with a trembling hand and watch my breakfast slowly disappear in the drain. Thanks God the drainer didn't get clogged. When the basin is finally clean, I dip my head under the freezing water and start drinking in big gulps, paying no attention to the fact that my shirt gets soaked and the water is flowing down to my trousers. I slide down to the floor and sprawl face down on the cool marble. 

   I am absolutely sure that I can't move a muscle, so I don't bother to try. I feel as if all the life has been drained out of me. With great efforts, I reach into my pocket for the phone to call Avery. He's in the car outside. Daddy will come and rescue me. Bunny got into big, fat trouble. I pout, full of self-pity, craving for him to rub soothingly my back. I would've started screaming his name, if it wasn't so embarrassing. 

   After few minutes of rummaging through all possible folds and pits of my pants, I realize that there's no phone. I must have left it on the table. Shit! I'm so fucked up that tears spring in my eyes.

   A knock on the door puts an end of my despair, replacing it with a faint ray of hope.

   "Honey, are you alright?" I hear Ebony's voice. "You've been there for thirty minutes and the waitress told me that you didn't sound good at all. Do you need help?"

   "Please, call Ave," I whisper.

   "Sorry, sweetheart, I can't hear you." she says. "Could you repeat that louder."

   "Avery," I mewl. "Tell him to come."

   "Ah, ok," she replies cheerfully. "Just a second, I'll call him right away." I hear fragmentary parts of the conversation through the door and sigh in relief when Ebony announces, "He'll be here in a minute."

   I feel so grateful that she didn't insist to come in and help me herself. I doubt there's a more pathetic sight than me at the moment. I hear hurried footsteps in less than a minute and the door slowly opens.

   "Dearest God! Bunny, what happened to you!" Ave sounds seriously concerned. I can only imagine what I look like. His arms wrap around my torso and he carefully lifts me up to my feet. "Why are you all wet, babe?"

   "I'm sorry!" I mutter. "I must have caught a stomach flu. I've just lost all my breakfast and then felt so weak that I couldn't move. Can you take me home, please?"

   "Oh, babe! My poor, sweet bunny. I'll take care of you," he coos, picking me up in his arms. 

   "Can you take me to the car and then go grab my phone. I left it on the table," I bury my face in his neck, comforted by his rhythmic footsteps while we're heading outside. "Also, tell Ebony sorry for me, please. We'll have the lunch some other time. She was so nice and I ruined everything."

   "That nasty bitch," Ave grumbles. "I knew I shouldn't have let you come. I'm sure she did something. What did you eat?"

   "Don't be silly," I huff, curling up comfortably in his embrace. "I didn't eat. I felt sick before I could try the food."

   "Let's hope you're right," he retorts. I can tell he's totally unconvinced. "Maybe, we should go to the hospital."

   "No! I feel much better now. I want my bed. I just need some rest," I immediately protest. I really just need to cuddle with Ave and sleep.

   "Alright," he finally agrees and places me on the passengers seat. "I'll be right back."

   "Don't be mean to Ebony," I grab his sleeve. "She didn't do anything."

   He only rolls his eyes.



Hello everyone at the end of Chapter 49!

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See you in next chapter.

Love: Anny

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