Extra #8: To Face Reality

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(A/N: I've started to go through each chapter to read the comments and have found that some of the readers wanted Sakura to be with Hitoshi... I followed the first majority of comments at the time because people were saying that their relationship is like siblings. That made it really awkward for me to go with the original plans of having the two end up together. Which is why I made it Kaminari instead.

But not without any sort of emotional punishment. [ I had to go through the ending chapter with the kids that I wrote some time ago and switch the dynamics. If you want, I can post the original, but some sentences will be familiar.]

No one has realized that Hitoshi has never been mentioned to be with someone romantically. He is also suspiciously close to the Kaminari family, including the kids.


Just food for thought.)

     Himari felt her eyes tear up as she and Kei were being escorted to God knows where by Naruto. They couldn't escape because they could sense the sheer power on their own. The stories that Sakura told them only supplemented their worries.

     "I'm sure that this is all just a misunderstanding, " Sarada commented to calm their worries.

      However, that only made Himari's face become even paler. "What if we have to go to the Torture and Interrogation building? I won't survive! Mommy talked about how bad ninjas would get their fingernails pulled off and other stuff... Or they could look at our memories!"

     Kei gripped onto his sister's hand tightly. "Let's worry about it when we get there, okay? Mom will come and get us out and prove we're not enemies."

     "That's right, because if Dad were the one to come..."

     "He'd be taken right along with us."

     They both looked at each other and nodded with resolve. They weren't going to involve Uncle Hitoshi in all of this and cause him more problems. He'd fair better than Kaminari but would be detained in the end. The only one that could solve this was their mother.

    "You can't look at any of our memories until our mom gets here!" Himari exclaimed, pointing right at Naruto, "It doesn't matter if we've idolized you since we've been younger!"

     She really gave off the image of a criminal claiming the right to a lawyer.

      Naruto's expression turned sheepish as he saw that the sibling's faces were both serious and defensive. "You're not going to T & I. Until a parent or guardian arrives, I'll watch you two personally."

     "D-don't think that I'm super curious to what your office looks like, "Himari huffed defiantly, "Or that I want to ask for an autograph... or a photo together."

    As she continued to speak, her voice became weaker and weaker as she felt her hopes crashing. There would be no way for her to receive something from the idol of her dreams... If she were even able to, who knew what her mom would do once she saw it?

     Himari and Kei sat down next to each other grimly while Sarada tried her best to cheer them up. "I'm sure that you guys will be fine. Your mom has brought no harm and has even been teaching me Medical Ninjutsu!"

      Leaning against Sarada's shoulder, Himari pouted, "It's more of who my mom is... Let's just hope that we won't be punished too harshly."


     Karin and Sakura stood together quietly in the garden. The wind blew gently, causing the lively branches to wave calmly. 

     "This... this wasn't something I foresaw, " Sakura muttered aloud, whether to Karin or just to herself, she didn't know.

     As she looked around, she found that the KIA stone had been moved there. Many other names had been added on since her death in this world. As she moved closer to the statue, Sakura read the engraving at the bottom:

Sakura, a Friend, a Rival, a Student, a Savior,

And Someone Who Could've Saved so Many More.

     Finally, Sakura wiped her tears away. "Thank you for taking me here. However, I would say that I don't deserve to have a statue up there. Many other people whose names are on the stone deserve it more and I do."

     "This is the impact you've made on everyone's lives, Sakura, " Karin remarked, "Although you don't think so, many people think highly of you."

     "I see... Perhaps now would be a good idea to reveal myself to the others... even though I don't plan on staying."

     Suddenly, Sakura sharply felt a chakra signature approach. She quickly pulled out her kunai and pulled into a tight defensive stance. "Who is there?"

    When she saw familiar spikey hair, she relaxed. "Shikamaru, what are you doing here?"

     "You've unintentionally given me a break, " he said while shrugging his shoulders.

     "How so?"

     "Your brats have gotten caught and are now waiting in the Hokage office to be picked up. I'm sure you know what this means. I'm just here to give a heads up, but I see you're not afraid anymore."

     Sakura sighed deeply, bringing her hand up to her forehead. "Of course they couldn't keep their mouths shut for a while. It was probably Naruto, right?"

     "They vandalized the Hokage mountains... but not exactly. You'll be able to see it still."

    Sakura then looked to Karin, but the redhead said, "I'll go with you."

    Then the three went to the direction of the Hokage's office, a place that Sakura hadn't been to since she had taken her last mission from Tsunade.

     Looking at her kid's handiwork, Sakura was impressed and mildly proud of their work. She knew they had put up an illusionary array, but had perfectly captured the visage of each past Hokage.

     The mom in her really wanted to point and say, "Look, my kids did that!"

    However, her kids had attracted too much attention to themselves and had exposed themselves. They needed some sort of punishment, even if she was able to collect her resolve.

     Approaching the office doors, Sakura could feel her stomach churning. Would he feel betrayed because she didn't want to cause them heartbreak when she left again? Or maybe... could they find a way to visit without going through wormholes or Kurama Express? 

     She opened the door, taking in a deep breath. "Naruto, it's been... quite a while, hasn't it...? Have my kids troubled you?"

    What Sakura wasn't expecting was that Himari was in the middle of getting a Kunai signed by Naruto. He dropped the kunai in disbelief. "Oh... I see. I guess I shouldn't have come after all."

     "N-no!" Himari wailed as soon as she saw her mother leave, "I was wrong! I was wrong! Please don't leave me!"

(A/N: Update soon my ass. I forgot about college applications and whoopty doo am I stressed about them. I'm doing early action on some and have done absolutely none of the essays... I'm going to perish. Thankfully, I will be less busy after November 1st. <3 )

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