Second Interview

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     Kaminari's face glimmered as he looked at his phone's most recent contact. At the top was his Goddess, Sakura herself. The best part is that Sakura was the one that called him, not the other way around.

     They had exchanged numbers when they collaborated together on the magazine but Kaminari didn't even have the guts to call her on his own.

      It was a surprise, to say the least. She told him to get ready and dress up in fancy clothes, comparable to if he were to meet the President of Japan. Though she didn't explain why, he was psyched to know that she was going to pick him up.

      Sakura's manager then pulled up and Kaminari swore that static was coming from his body because of how nervous he was. Were they actually going to meet the President?

      The window slowly rolled down and her face came into view. She pulled down her shades and sent a dazzling smile.

     "Hop in." 

      "Right!" he exclaimed, scrambling to get in.

       From how fast he entered the vehicle, he was already out of breath. Maybe that was also because of how anxious he was and how his heart was pounding loudly. She could probably hear it from how bad it echoed in his ears.

      The vehicle lurched forward and they were heading toward... well, wherever Sakura had made plans to go.

      "B-by the way, " he stuttered, "Where exactly are we g-going?"

      His cheeks turned red as he fumbled over his words. Sakura smiled at his reaction and grabbed her planner.

       Though he hadn't received an answer yet, his eyes couldn't help but be drawn to how she looked. Of course, she was always pretty- he saved all of her social media account photos and any fan-posted ones he could find- but seeing it in person was different.

      "Let's see, " she murmured softly, crossing her legs, "I have in about a half-hour and we'll have a meal at 13:00. Do you have a problem with that?"

     "No!" he instantly shouted back before realizing, "Wait, an interview?"

     "Mmn, you're going to join me on there too but wait until I call for you, okay?"

      He grew more nervous once he realized that he was going to be televised. If he made a mistake or slip-up, it would hurt his Goddess's reputation and he couldn't allow that!

      "I understand!" he responded, more determined than ever. He was even more motivated than when he first had to deal with Aizawa's wiles.

      Once they arrived at the building, both Sakura and Kaminari were sent through a flurry of action. People bustled all over making sure the set was prepared. The interviewer was carefully going over all her lines... Wait, wasn't she fired?

     The pinkette was lightly scolded for being late, but since all the make-up and outfit coordination had already been down to a T, they let it slide. However, Kaminari on the other hand, was experiencing prep like he never had before. His best clothes were exchanged for something else and they were... adding make-up to his face?

      It was overwhelming, but he would deal with it for Sakura. He couldn't appear unsightly on T.V. while being beside her.

     Like that, Sakura was sitting in the chair across from Mary Ham, who was currently sitting in her desk. The secondary lights went on and the cameras started to roll.

     "Hello, everyone, I am Mary Ham. For this segment, we'll be interviewing the Media's biggest sweetheart, Sakura Haruno!"

      The camera then panned to Sakura who smiled and waved to the viewers.

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