Chapter Five

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Updated: November 19, 2021
Edited: June 28, 2023

Beomgyu stumbled out of the car and reached for the nearest object, which turned out to be the metal railing outside of the ride. His hands gripped onto the bar for support as he tried to ground himself. He felt sick to his stomach, like there was a lump of food threatening to fly out of his throat.

He didn't know how he was persuaded to go onto three other big-ass rides with his friends. The first time, Taehyun suggested holding his hand, the second time, Taehyun said he was going to buy him snacks on the way home, and the third time, Taehyun said he was going to get him three things for his birthday. Obviously, Beomgyu didn't trust that any of the last two things would be done, but he still somehow stupidly went on the rides anyway.

Two of those three times, they were able to persuade their maknae into joining them, yet he seemed just fine when he got off, besides a little styling of his hair. However, even after just two rides, Beomgyu had already had enough. He didn't understand how was Kai so-"Another one?" Yeonjun suggested excitedly. The oldest had not had enough just yet.

"Sure!" said Taehyun and Soobin in unison.

Kai had answered with, "eh."

"How about you, Gyu?" Then, all pairs of eyes shifted to Beomgyu, who was still trying to swallow the threatening lump of vomit back down into his stomach.

He looked up, alarmed at the sudden attention. "What?" he asked, somewhat breathlessly.

"Another right?" Soobin repeated.

The boy shook his head violently. "I'm good. I think I'm going to lose my stomach if I go on another."

"What?" Taehyun walked up to Beomgyu and patted him on the back. "Your stomach can handle one more, can't it?"

He shook his head, swallowing a lump. "Taehyun-ah... just go without me," he said dramatically, dropping to his knees and draping against the metal railing. "I don't think I can make it any further."

Taehyun stepped back, crossing his arms and raising a brow. To be honest, he was almost impressed. "I'll buy you dinner tomorrow night." He was impressed, not by the older's acting but by his persistence. Beomgyu had tried this dramatic acting trick two other times already, yet Taehyun could persuade him to go with a few simple words.

Beomgyu glared up at him. "No," he huffed, insistent. "Your persuasion won't work on me a fourth time."

"But, it worked three times before, didn't it?"

"Not for a fourth time. This time, I feel really sick." He had dropped his dramatic look, standing up again, his hand rubbing his stomach. "I- I need to sit down." He then felt a warmth behind him, and he didn't have to turn his head to know who it was.

A rough hand grabbed his stomach the moment a chin rested on his left shoulder. "Gyu-Gyu's stomach doesn't feel well?"

"Hyung, stop, you're making it worse." Beomgyu peeled Yeonjun's hands away.

With a chuckle, he put a hand in the younger's hair, disheveling it even more with the shake of his hand. "Let's take a break then, yeah? We already did four, and it's almost dusk. Maybe after we eat something we could get on the Ferris wheel."

"But-" Taehyun was in protest. He wanted to squeeze one more ride in before that.

Kai leaned to the silver-haired boy's ear, whispering something the other three couldn't hear.

The older first-grader was persuaded, and he sighed, defeatedly, "fine."

"Corn dogs or churros?" Soobin asked, digging into his wallet for a ten-thousand won bill.

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