Extra One

390 13 5

Taewon's Proposal Part 1
Updated: December 22, 2023

"Gyu-ah?" His bedroom door opened with a soft click, and Taewon peeked his head through.

Beomgyu sat at his desk, his homework sprawled out on the tabletop with a phone propped up, leaning against the wall. On the phone was the face of none other than Kang Taehyun. At the sound of his brother entering the room, he tore his eyes from the phone to look back at him.

"Is that Taewon-hyung?" asked the voice from the phone.

"Yeah?" Beomgyu responded to his brother, craning his neck slightly.

"How do you feel about a vacation to the beach this summer?" There was an unusual beaming smile on his face. "Mom and Dad are going, and you can invite your friends."

It had been eight months since the school camping trip. Yeonjun and Soobin had long graduated from high school and had started attending university—both went to Seoul University. Beomgyu was now a third-grader, still continuing to struggle with a handful of classes, yet he was still producing grades that were better than his average classmates. And, with the crawling threat of university just a year away, his stress was twice as high as it was when he was in second-grade. Kai and Taehyun have begun their second year; the latter of whom over-achieving in every class. So much was going on, and all of them have been stressed with the first term of the year, and all have been looking forward to the summer break just months away.

"Wait." The now-third-grader practically jumped out of his chair. "Really? The beach? Where?" Excitement practically radiated off of his entire person.

Taewon smiled at his little brother's reaction. "So, you are willing?"

"Of course!" Beomgyu turned around to Taehyun. "Hyun-ah, you'll go too, right?"

Taehyun nodded, his own smile beaming. "If it's an invitation to a nice vacation, of course I'll go! Who wouldn't?"

Teasing, Taewon said, "you sure it's not because Gyu is going?"

"Yah!" Anger sprouted on Beomgyu's face, who snapped around, leaping out of his chair and charging at his brother. However, before he reached him, Taewon closed the door with a slam. "Hyung!"

On the other side, Taewon snickered before calling out, "I'll let you know which place later! Bye! Have fun with your boyfriend!"

With a groan, Beomgyu turned back around and plopped himself down back at his desk, propping his arms on the surface and melting into the crook of his arm. "He's so frustrating. Ever since I told him about us, he's been constantly teasing me about it."

"Well..." Taehyun pointed out, "you did do the same thing to him when he first started dating Jiyoon-noona. I feel like it's kind of deserved."

"Are you on my side or his side?" He cocked a brow.

"You also did that to Yeonjun-hyung and Soobin-hyung."

"Okay!" Now, he was offended. "Well, that was because they did that to me- oh."

Taehyun smiled, shaking his head playfully.

"Oh!" The older seemed to remember something the way his head popped up. "Would the hyungs and Kai want to come with us?" He grabbed his phone and closed out of facetime to open the messaging app.

"Why wouldn't they, Hyung?" Taehyun was in disbelief at Beomgyu's question. "It's the beach for goodness sake! The last trip the five of us went on was that camping trip with the school, and Yeonjun-hyung and Soobin-hyung have been off the university!"

Cheekily, Beomgyu replied, "you're right. You're right." He excitedly typed away on his phone, sending a text to their group chat. "Oh, and do you think it's kind of strange that Hyung is inviting us to a vacation?"

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