Chapter Eighteen

871 51 65

Updated: February 19, 2022
Edited: June 28, 2023

Taehyun stared blankly at the second-grader sitting across from him. He was still in disbelief from what Beomgyu had blurted out to him accidentally. His mind was floating all over the place, confused but also somewhat happy, like he just won a battle with someone.

Beomgyu didn't like Syumi! He didn't like Syumi, and that was the best thing Taehyun had ever heard in years. He had a chance! That was a chance that Beomgyu liked men, which meant there was a chance Taehyun could hold-

"What are you smiling about?" Kai, who sat to Taehyun's left, nudged him in the arm.

Yeonjun, Soobin, and Beomgyu looked at him.

The silver-haired boy ripped his gaze from Beomgyu, and the dumb smile on his face vanished in a flash. To hide what he was doing, he picked up another piece of samgyeopsal with his wooden chopsticks and a leaf of lettuce, shoving both into his mouth.

"Yah, don't avoid the question," Kai huffed, noticing his friend was stuffing his mouth so he didn't have to talk.

Under the table, Taehyun stomped on Kai's toes, clearly not happy with him inquiring about his thoughts.

But, little did Taehyun know, both Soobin and Yeonjun knew about his little crush on Beomgyu and were both intent on hearing the answer to Kai's question.

Kai, who felt like his toes broke, winced painfully, opening his mouth in a muted scream.

When Taehyun finished chewing, he was about to get himself another piece of meat until he noticed the look on Beomgyu's face—his eyes were big and round, and he was chewing quietly, curious. He then saw the other two looking at him the same way. "What?"

"You were smiling? About what?" Yeonjun asked.

"Uh... it was nothing important," Taehyun responded bluntly.

"'Nothing important'? If it was 'nothing important,' why were you smiling?" Soobin only quickly glanced up at the younger before gazing back at his food.

"You weren't thinking about a crush, were you?" With his chopsticks in between his teeth, Yeonjun smirked. And, as the most handsome student at Hybe High School—this was determined by the entire school through a poll made at the start of the semester—Yeonjun looked far from creepy. Though he wasn't Taehyun's type, Taehyun couldn't help but admit the older was quite attractive in this pose.


"Was it Miyung?" Beomgyu interrupted, leaning forward to look at Yeonjun for confirmation.

"Was it?"

Then, the four of them suddenly looked at Taehyun, who only blinked back at them, his own pair of chopsticks sitting between his teeth. "What do you mean? I haven't even seen her since-"

"Nahh!" Yeonjun suddenly said, taking his chopsticks out of his mouth to pick up a piece of kimchi. "It must've been a boy, right?"

Taehyun tensed.

"You said you liked boys, didn't you? So..." He crunched on his kimchi quite happily.

Kai finished his sentence, "you must've been smiling because your crush is here, right?"

Taehyun glared at the younger, stepping on his foot again. "What the hell are you talking about? My crush isn't here, calm down."

Four of the five of them knew that was a total lie.

"Then, why were you smiling?"

When Taehyun looked at Beomgyu again, he swore he lost consciousness for a split second; Beomgyu was looking back at him with big doe eyes that were still visible in the lighting from the three lanterns sitting on the table. In fact, Beomgyuu looked almost more endearing with the warm lights.

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