Extra Five

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Taewon's Proposal Part 5
Updated: January 19, 2024

This vacation was meant to be a fun and relaxing trip, and yes, Beomgyu couldn't say that he didn't relax, but somehow, on multiple occasions, he found himself tensing and feeling stressed whenever he was around his boyfriend (not in a bad way). It just felt a bit off, that during this entire trip, Taehyun seemed different from the one Beomgyu thought he knew. He was sweet, yes, like always, but there was just something else there.

The focus of this trip was meant to be placed on Jiyoon, yet Beomgyu could barely pay attention to her when Taehyun was nearby poking and picking at him with strangely suggestive and flirtatious motions. It made Beomgyu's heart flutter more than it normally did, and he didn't know whether or not he should be concerned about it.

The littlest comment about his outfit or hair, barely meaning anything to the others when heard, would sent Beomgyu into a blushing mess, not because of what he said but the way Taehyun's eyes looked at him. 'Hyung, I like your shirt' and his eyes would be gazing at Beomgyu's exposed collarbone. 'I like your hair today, Gyu-hyung. It's cute' and he would be staring directly at his lips. Beomgyu could only forcefully turn his head away to hide his own blush, yet he still knew that Taehyun had noticed the gentle red tint on his cheeks.

In their shared room, these motions felt even more suggestive. That first night was nothing in comparison to the nights following. Taehyun wasn't naughty, no, he didn't stick his hands down Beomgyu's pants or grope him as he wished. It was just that his hands seemed to always find the most ticklish spots on Beomgyu's body whether it was his stomach, neck, or even his arms. Somehow, Taehyun found them all, and Beomgyu couldn't help but twitch at each touch. The soft yet heavy breathing that brushed the edge of his ears didn't make it much easier either, and Beomgyu would be so tense that he couldn't fall asleep until he knew the younger did first.

When he went to ask what all of this was, Taehyun only ever responded with a smile, never once answering Beomgyu's questions.

And so, for days and nights, Beomgyu was constantly racking his brains for some kind of reason for Taehyun's behavior, but he mind would only wander to the darkest of corners, and he didn't want to assume it would lead up to that—especially with the proposal just around the corner.

Speaking of which, it was already the last night on Jeju. Everyone was expecting it to happen today, afterall, there was no other day after today. Even with a fancy dinner that Taewon prepared, everyone knew it was going to be it. Jiyoon, however, thought it was going to be like every other one of the fancy dinners they had—it seemed Taewon's strategy worked—and since it was their last night there, she only assumed the dinner was to celebrate just that.

Dressing into a nice white silk dress shirt that gently revealed his collarbones, he let go of his questions towards Taehyun, afterall, tonight, he might be getting a future sister-in-law. Silk waves flowed down from his neckline to just above where his shirt was tucked into a tightly fitted set of black pants. Tonight was going to be like every other night, warm but slightly chilly from the ocean breeze.

He carefully adjusted his clothing in the bathroom mirror and fixed some of the stray hairs on his head that had made themselves known during his nap just minutes earlier.

"Hyung, are you done yet?" It was Taehyun from their room.

"Yeah, coming." With that, he turned to the door and opened it without much thought, but the moment it was, he regretted it almost immediately.

On the other side of the bathroom door was his boyfriend (who would've thought), dressed in a black dress shirt with one button undone, tucked into a pair of white pants, the complete invert of Beomgyu's outfit. The shirt he wore was slightly tight-fitting, his muscles just barely popping through the fabric, and with only one button undone, it left almost everything underneath to the observer's imagination. He had a rich-looking allure, like a young chaebol with billions of inheritance under his name.

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