Extra Three

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Taewon's Proposal Part Three
Updated: January 5, 2024

"Tomorrow night, we are going to eat out, so there is no need to prepare dinner."

"Where are we going?" Soobin asked, eyes focused on the delicious meal the two beautiful women had prepared for them (Beomgyu was definitely not exaggerating when he said that these two had the hands of a goddess). Obviously, he had helped, feeling guilty that it was just the two of them and Dad Choi.

"Somewhere nice just on the coast. It's quite popular," he sighed, "and I had to make a reservation a few days prior."

Beomgyu looked at his brother who sat directly across from him. Was... he going to ask the question?

Taewon's gaze didn't betray any of what he was thinking, and Beomgyu didn't get any of the answers that he was looking for. He, just like Soobin, remained focused on his food with somewhat of a neutral smile on his face.

No one on this trip knew when Taewon was going to finally propose to Jiyoon. They only knew that it was going to happen on one of the days that they were going to be on Jeju. Taewon had told no one about his plans, not even his own family. Maybe he didn't want anyone to accidentally spoil the surprise, or maybe he wanted it to be a surprise for everyone. Whatever the reason was, everyone, except Jiyoon, was anticipating that moment he finally dropped to one knee.

"Is it a fancy place?" Yeonjun asked, covering his stuffed face as he spoke.

"Not really," Taewon replied.

Jiyoon raised a brow and looked at him. "You told me to bring a few fancier outfits."

"There are other fancier places, Jiyoon-ah." He looked back at her with the most gentle and loving smile. "Don't worry. I didn't tell you to bring your fancy clothes for nothing."

She pouted, "okay..."

"What other plans do we have tomorrow?" Beomgyu jumped in.

"Nothing until after tomorrow, so everyone can relax."

Kai nearly broke his neck the way he looked up. "Can we go swimming?"

Taehyun nudged him playfully, "what part of 'relax' did you not understand?"

The other second-grader smiled cheekily, embarrassed at himself.

"Yeobo," said Mom Choi to her husband, her face suddenly brightening at an idea that she got, "we should go to the mall nearby."

Dad Choi looked almost frightened by those words. "Didn't you go to the mall just last month?"

"Aigoo! That was a month ago! I haven't bought anything since then, and I've been saving up for a few things I've had my eyes on! We have to go!"

Dad Choi looked over at his two sons like he was begging them to help, but of course, the two of them shook their heads with a similar frightened face—why would they want to be the personal butlers of their mother? They experienced that plenty of times before and didn't want to drag themselves in, especially when their mother asked their father specifically and not them.

"Oh!" Jiyoon didn't notice the exchange between the two brothers and jumped into the conversation. "Mom! I want to come with you too! I saw online that there were some cute shops!"

Mom Choi seemed to be happy to have someone go with her and happily agreed with the idea. Who wouldn't want a shopping buddy? Taewon, on the other hand, suddenly had the same defeated expression on his face as his father, and Beomgyu quietly snickered at their misery before he was forced to suck it in when Taehyun kicked him in his shin. For a moment, Beomgyu thought he was going to be dragged into that same torture.

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