Chapter Nine

929 56 58

Updated: December 25, 2021
Edited: June 28, 2023

"Kai, you can let go of me now."

The said blonde was attached to Taehyun by the waist, his cheek pressed on Taehyun's shoulder, and his arms wrapped around him, refusing to let go. "No!" he whined.

"I need to get my shoes on," Taehyun explained. He tried to peel Kai's limbs off, but each one that was peeled off, that same one would return not even a second later. "Kai, I have to go."

"No, I can't let you go!" Kai wailed. "My baby is going on a date with a witch! I can't let that happen! My baby hasn't even grown up yet!"

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "First of all, she's not a witch. Second of all, I'm not your baby; you're younger than me. And, third of all, you sound like Yeonjun-hyung, and he's not even clinging onto me. And, fourth of all! It's not a date!"

The blonde wailed again, louder this time, sliding down Taehyun's body and hugging his legs tightly. His dramaticness filled the entire space in an instant.

"Kai-ah," Soobin had had just enough as Taehyun did. His hands grabbed onto Kai's collar and attempted to rip him off of the silver-haired boy, but, unfortunately, being one of the weakest among the five of them, he could not pull Kai off no matter how hard he tried. "Just let him go. We'll see him tomorrow in school."

"Oh, right." Kai dropped his act almost immediately and pulled off Taehyun, causing Soobin to almost lose his balance. "Bye, then!" He then turned and walked back to Yeonjun's room.

Taehyun blinked, slightly hurt by the sudden transition. "Um, okay... rude."

"You told me to get off of you!" He heard Kai call from a distance.

"Still... You didn't have to act like you don't care anymore."

He heard a raspberry from the younger.

Taehyun let out a light scoff as he bent down to put his shoes on, a hand on the wall for support.

"No kissing on the first date, you hear me?"

The first-grader looked up as soon as both shoes were on, a brow raised. Kiss? Who does Yeonjun think he is? A playboy? Taehyun wasn't that irrational. Plus, didn't they know he liked guys and not girls?

Yeonjun glared back at him as if he was the younger's father. He had that dad-like look on his face. "You better not. I'm warning you."

Just as Taehyun was about to retort, Soobin smacked Yeonjun's shoulder, causing him to coil. "Leave him alone. Taehyun-ah is smart and reliable. I doubt he'll do anything like that."

And... then, there's the mom.

"Yeah... yeah... alright, fine." Yeonjun turned to leave, but then, he added, pointing at Taehyun, "but, you still better not!"

Soobin rolled his eyes and smacked the older a few consecutive times. "Just stop!"

"Okay! Okay! Fine! Ow! Stop hitting me!" The black-haired third-grader cowered away with the red-haired third-grader on his tail.

He chased Yeonjun down the hallway and back into his room. Soobin didn't forget to turn and say, "Have fun, Taehyun-ah!"

Taehyun chuckled, watching the two of them run off. Then, he gazed over at Beomgyu, who was just standing there, fiddling with his fingers. He couldn't read the older's facial expression, who was just staring at the floor, looking almost pitiful, but Taehyun doubted it.

"Uh... have fun," Beomgyu smiled, breaking the unreadable expression.

The younger smiled, slightly amused. "I've already seen the movie. It probably wouldn't be as fun as when we first watched it together." He watched the older look away, embarrassed. Taehyun cooed at him in his head. Beomgyu looked like a shy cub; his hair gently falling into place and covering his eyes. The younger resisted the urge to hug him.

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