The Heir to Liberty (Epilogue)

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March 7th 20XX

Back at I.M.P Office, the trio, Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo, talk over a bit of lunch over a Diner in the Pride Ring called 'Susan's Diner'. The layout was that of a retro from the 1940s, a black and white tile flooring, booths that fit for four people at a time, and stools that are close to cooks and waiters that come in and out of the kitchen. The three were the very few customers that could eat in peace and talk privately, Moxxie ate salad while Blitzo and Millie had a sandwiches that were packed with assortments of meats, they did not hold back on how they eat, especially Blitzo, Imp shows no signs of decorum or any manners. Then again, Stolas wouldn't mind such savagery when those two are together alone an-Ahem.

As the two finished their sandwiches, Moxxie went to talk about his activity in the human world. Be it the smallest heist to the large ones, Millie was amazed on how those two were able to handle the human with such strange theft methods. Blitzo was slowly getting on how he was making the tale on their adventure.

Milie: So wait, what happened to the creates? You said they were in some sort of pocket or something?

Moxxie: Lupin had told me that he made some cards with some teleporting symbols, he had left one at the hideout and used the other one to bring them there. Next time I saw them was at that hideout.

Blitzo: Bull crap, no way he had that prepped and ready to go.

Moxxie: Actually, originally he made for...

Blitzo: Com'n Moxxie, don't make me fucking guess on what the hellhound-

Moxxie: He made it for when I get in trouble, he would get me out of it. Leaving him to...

Millie: Leaving him to handle it...Why would he do that?

Blitzo: So he can hang over a dong of saving his life.

Moxxie: I doubt that, sir.

Blitzo: leans back. Why not?

Moxxie: Cause he did not leave me.

Blitzo scoffs and leans back on his seat from that last statement.

Millie: Hmm. Was there anything else that he did after or before the jobs?

Moxxie: Well...there were times he portals back to hell from time to time.

Millie: Really? What for?

Moxxie: He said, 'I'm just keeping track of the people who are staying at my den.'

The trio began to look at each other in curiosity of the statement that was stated, "His den? Is that his base of operations?" Blitzo thought.

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Lupin was at the sewers with the demon family, during the trial month he performed with Moxxie, he kept tabs on them to be sure they are doing well in the sewers. He had brought back some necessities for them that he brought from the human world; eggs, milk, cereal, bread, etc. Fordonna, the mother, was getting good at making crops grow within the sewers, along with Arséne bringing in equipment for replicating sunlight and powerful filters to make water supplies for both farming and drinking. During the time he was gone, Fordonna had been increasing her knowledge on agriculture and harvest, she was able to harvest much and keep them under a secure storage to hold them in.

Fordonna's sons; Delin and Gilbert, the two of them expanded their time to wood crafting. From the lumber that Arséne brought to them, they began to look at various works of wooden art. Be it from the basic shapes to the most complex of abstract art. But the two of them have been mainly focused on dealing with the making of the house they were making with Lupin the first few times he was with them. The house was near to complete, it solidly stands, but thought it best to have some installation. Lupin had given them a go-ahead to the installation, for he thought as well best for if the cold air were to enter in the sewers. 

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