That Awkward Moment, Comes In Pairs.

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July 2st 20XX

Over at the M&M's apartment, Millie had prep up over at the couch of the living room. It wasn't perfect but was spacious enough for them. Since Moxxie and Lupin had gotten their time off from training at the Gym, Millie had thought it best to treat Moxxie for all his hard work and training he had been going through. Curtain drawn, wine with glasses, candles lit, and an attire that would make Moxxie fall to his knees. It was night time over in hell, past 7 o'clock, a time where Moxxie is close to home, to this she does her best to prepare the event that will unfold. She was quite gleeful as she set up the mood, not to mention a little excited.

Moxxie, at the moment, back at the office trying to get into the hours in so that the company has not gone under. It was the perfect moment for the surprise that awaits him.

Millie: Moxxie is so gonna be happy.

Door opens and closes.

Millie: Giggles joyfully Oh Moxxi~e, I hope you are ready for the night of your life.

She then plays some music in the background as she pours wine in a glass.

Millie: You and Lupin have been working hard, so you two need to enjoy the time given to you. So lets start with a nice evening of some wine and dine. And then some nice 'quality time' together.

 And then some nice 'quality time' together

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There was a moment of silence. Millie tilted her head in confusion.

???: Mills.

Millie then turns on the light to fully see Lupin with eyes widened, his face fully blushed, and his fur standing out in surprise at what he is looking at. Millie then responded the same way, she covered up her body and was close to spilling what was in her hands.

Millie: What are you-

Lupin: Moxphonedmetogetsomethingandhegavemeasparekey, sorry!

Lupin then dashes out of the apartment, all Milie saw was black blur and a door slamming. The candle then blew out with Lupin leaving the place. Meanwhile, over at Imp city, Moxxie was halfway to his place, riding with Blizo and Loona in the company van. Moxxie then gets a call on his cell phone, he answers.

Moxxie: Hello?

???: Mox, its Lupin.

Moxxie: Lupin, did you get files from my place?

Lupin: ...N~o, sorry umm. Pants Look Millie she's...Hm.

Moxxie: What? What happen? Is she alright?

Lupin: Yes, yes, sorry its just-Takes a deep breath. She's a great lady. Just uhh...wanted you to know that.

Moxxie: Oh, um. Ok. Everything alright with you? You sound out of-

Lupin: Nopeimgoodbye

Lupin hangs up the call, leaving Moxxie dumbfounded on what just happened.

It is now 9PM, Lupin sits in a cold bath with some fast paced jazz music playing. He tries to calm his mind from seeing what had transpired at M&M's apartment with Millie. Try as he might but he couldn't get the events out of his head, from seeing how Millie was dressed, posed, talked, anything he tried to get rid of it with the sound of jazz, it only came back. The next thing he could do was to sink into the water to muffle the sound. He had thought that by making his mind distracted would get rid of the memory...

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now