Right Train, Wrong Station

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(I am afraid that I couldn't find just one song. Skip to 6:28 for the song Fast Passes.)

May 30th 20XX

"By 4:30 pm today, I shall take away the train car that is filled with gold by the well known next treasurer, Aguatha Frost." - Arséne Lupin

That was the calling card given to Aguatha Frost's home.

London, England, Charing Cross Station, 3:50pm. One of the busiest train stations in the city, for the station was the place where six routes meet. One would think it would be the busiest place where people have to get where they need to go and where to get back, etc. But, it was rather busy with not civilians but rather with law enforcement; Interpol had been setting up traps for Arséne ever since they had gotten a letter. They had to be on a strict surveillance and security duty for the train car filled with gold bars. Originally, the gold was from the reserve from one of the British governments from the top had raided a Russian black market that the head dealer had spilled his guts out.

After what would be a grown man balling his eyes out, the government has been trying to figure out where to put all the stolen gold from the head dealer. Aguatha Frost was the one who decided to put it under lock and key up in Scotland Yard, it was to be an easy escort with no one to know. So how did one thief know about such a haul?

Antoine De Leon, from Interpol, had been called in for support for having to deal with Arséne before, but he was...less thrilled to be a part of such an assignment with being in a grunt-like position. After his various failed attempts to arrest Arséne from Italy to New York, he had been sent to the assignment as a consultant, and to not interfere with the job.

Leon: Sighs. From how two men who have escaped from New York's finest after porting on the shore, how the hell can they think that an armed force on a train would be enough.

Police: coming to make their rounds. Sound as though you admire him, sir.

Leon: Looks back and then faces at the train. ...How would you feel if one were to hold up the name of a character from the book?

Police: ...Yet the real Arséne Lupin wouldn't have killed anyone, he would've-

Leon: This isn't a game. And he did what he had to do.

The officer then sees how Leon had seen more of what Arséne has done, thinking that they had walked away before the conversation had gone any further than it was. Leon then saw the train that was carrying the gold on its way, he had checked the time and saw that it was 4:07pm. He then called in and started heading over to a pub for a pint and meal, as well as to think. "He wasn't seen for months and now he makes a grand appearance" He thought. "Was he planning this from afar? Or was there something within the auction that he wanted?" He pondered and pondered as to what Arséne had been silent for so long, but all came up to nothing, no logical reason to why he would be silent for so long.

Leon's phones ring.

Leon: Answers. Hello, what is it?

Officer: We have a problem, the train got hit, according to the people at the station, two people had gotten on and started waving their guns and- and moved the people up to the cars away from the one where Scoffs. How in the bloody fuck did this happen?!

Leon: What happened to the car with the evidence?

Officer: They...They cut the damn thing.

Leon: They cutted what?

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now