Chapter 7 Prologue

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June 5th 20XX

Over at Pentagram City, in the high living areas to where many sinners who had connections to make it to the big times. Be it from one way to another. One sinner has been enjoying much of his winnings from hearing the loud chewing sound of eating. One meal after another, in mere minutes a clank was met with a chewing sound, as if someone's life was on the edge of starvation and making sure that they are heard.

As the sinner was eating, many of the girls he hired for pleasurable company saw how the sinner was eating, they did their best to hide on how disgusting the sinner eats. They then found the moment to break the sinner's eating from hearing the phone ring.

Sinner Girl: Picks up the phone. Mr. Gunther, your contributor is calling.

Gunther: Stops eating and turns. Hm. Snaps his fingers.

The sinner girl approaches and gives him the phone, he then answers the phone.

Gunther: Heyhey, Bobby hows-


Gunther: Why would I care about that failure of an Imp coach?


Gunther: The news? Whats on the-


Gunther: Okay, fuckin hell.

He then turns on the television and tunes in on channel 666 news.

Katie Killjoy: -and now we go into recent news; an unexpected fight close over on the outskirts of the ring. Well, more like a war had broken out.

The news report then goes into some footage of a warehouse that has huge hole at its side with a huge giant part of machinery close by.

Tom Trench: That's right Kate, witnesses have been avoiding telling us how this fight broke out. But they all said that a hellhound was raising all different kinds of hell.

Katie and Tom began to go into more in their own sadistic ways of telling the news, mostly on how they couldn't believe that a hellhound could do such a damage. More of a roast really. Then Gunther took a moment to think, but then his phone did not stop receiving the call.


Gunther: Okay, I see your point. Anything else?


Gunther: He had already registered him in? Hm. Got a name?


Gunther: "Arsene Lupin"? The hell kinda name is that?


Gunther: Oh. Well, I'll send in our usual way of winning then. Get the hound to not show up.


Gunther: Yeah, yeah. I'll crush the fuck out of that hound. I know how much you're riding on this.


Gunther: Yeah.

Katie: Now then, let's get back to the top stories.

Tom: Yes, we now go to how Katie needs to get laid-Whoa

Katie: Hey who's messing with teleprompter! AND WHO SAID THAT I NEED-

It was then shown on the green screen of theirs, the mini viewer, showing Katie yelling her head off on some poor fellow because of a small mistake on some coffee order. Another video shows her eyeing on some hunk passing by and has not looked away till they got out of her view.

Katie: Who the fuck is-

The broadcast then gets cut off, considering the station's history with their anchormen. It was funny enough to make the girls laugh in the background.

Gunther: I'll let you know when the hound is gone. He then hangs up and speed dials a number. Yes, hello, I need a target to kill.


Gunther: A hellhound. And judging by his display, you're gonna need a good one.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now