Author's note

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Hello my readers, be it old and new. I would like to address the world of hell as I once saw, before (as you may know already) from the trailer for the new Hazbin Hotel trailer.

I would like to throw down how I once saw hell. If you would allow such a thought. I thought that in hell, or at least the pride ring, was divided into four.  North, South, East, West. Each having their own unique environment suited to many, if not all, types of sinners.

North District

To the North, lies where most of the sinners are stationed/living, new comers come far and wide to conflict with one another. One would think that many of the north district is where much of both sinners and hellborns could mix together to form gangs, make deals, etc. all sorts of wicked deeds that many could/can make. Along with mix would come to the various buildings that would either be new or old, depending on times of events.

East District

I may have mentioned a time or two about it in the stories of "If It Cost Me My Life...", allow me to expand upon it. While I have mentioned its a place of gambling and fun, but its more to that place. It has the very places of gambling, but among them has much of drugs where one would be close to that of heaven. Dealers, disrupters, sellers, and so on. It would be a close to that being a station for Greed and Sloth, having to which would get a supply be it from the ring itself or created by the some of well known drug makers, Valentino for example.

West District

This district is a bit of an interesting one, this old one of the oldest types of sinners. One where you could find Roaring 20s, Victorian, Feudal Japan, much of the classical buildings where the oldest sinners live. They've basically been around longer than most having either wits or strength to face Extermination day. There, would hold much of sinners, spirits, and Oni (Much more on those two later.). Though, within this part of the district, one would have which sinner is the best or racism and old teachings till hanging around.

South District

This one is where all dream ends, last ditch effort for all to be around. Its where many would try and hide, where many would find old western and steam punk theme era would reside. A point where one would no one would recognized you, were mostly its hellborns who live there. Well specifies, the loan sharks live there to make various deals with many who would want various products from the other rings. So long as the other pay up to do so.

I had also had thought that the higher ups of hell would be located within the central of the Pride ring. One where the Morningstar family live as well, to watch over the Pride ring.

That is all I can say about the districts and their lore at the moment. I thank you for reading to this note.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now