Chapter 11-Rowan

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Aelin and I were peacefully eating at another delicious restaurant in the city, shopping bags piling around us, when a shadowy figure materialized in front of us. We immediately prepared for an attack, not used to figures appearing out of thin air before us, but stopped short when we realized who it was. In front of us was the High Lord of the Night court, the most powerful High Lord there ever was, Amren had told us. I had seen him briefly at the Spring Court, but didn't get the chance to meet him, but I could feel the power oozing off of him then, as it was now. He could wipe me out with a single thought, but something told me that I would knock him out in hand-to-hand combat.

"Like you could stand a chance against me," Rhysand smirked as he casually slung down into a vacant chair.

"Do not read my thoughts," I growled at him. He rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, but the gesture was tight, too tense to be casual. I mentally locked away all my thoughts, placing a wall of air to block my thoughts, as I was once taught to. Rhysand merely raised his eyebrows but did not comment.

"Why are you here? Did you realize that we're too much of a threat to your city and you've come to kill us?" Aelin said sarcastically. She said it teasingly, but I noticed how her fingers were slowly inching towards her daggers, always prepared for a fight.

"Actually, queen, I've come to ask you something," he glanced around and leaned in a bit closer. "But it cannot be said here. Come to my house and we'll discuss it there with my inner circle."

I looked at Aelin and she nodded slightly. It probably had something to do with our part in rescuing Feyre from the Spring Court. We stood up, about to gather our-her-bags before they vanished into thin air, just as Rhysand had appeared.

"Your welcome," he muttered before he grabbed our arms and winnowed us to his mansion.

It was much quicker, and less nauseating with Rhysand, at least for me. I saw Aelin tip over so fast that even my speed wasn't enough to catch her. Instead, I sent air gushing up from underneath her to break her fall so that she was floating parallel to the ground. I slowly set her onto the ground, and not a split second afterwards she vomited.

I immediately went to help her up, used to her usual nausea. Rhysand, on the other hand, looked at Aelin with a contemplative expression. "Interesting," he remarked with a sly glance to me and left to walk into the already open door.

"What was that all about?" Aelin muttered as she reached for my outstretched hand, and I hauled her up. She wiped her hands on her legs, and linked her arms through mine as we walked into the gargantuan doorway of Rhysand's mansion.

We were immediately greeted by familiar faces, excluding one woman that I had never seen before. She was a petite woman blonde hair and could pass for Aelin's older sister.

"Hi!" she greeted too cheerfully. "I'm Mor. Rhysand's third in command" she practically sang. "You must be Rowan and Aelin. We've heard so much about you!" She had the biggest smile on her face and I couldn't help but wonder if she was always so giddy.

Aelin politely smiled, and chuckled under her breath at Mor's...exuberant behavior. I could tell that the Mor's displayed confidence unnerved her a little

"Rowan?" a deep male's, voice asked. I've heard that voice before. A long time ago, centuries ago.

I looked over the woman's shoulder as two large men came into sight, their wings in full view behind them. I tried to call back memories of the too men who seemed too familiar when realization struck me.

"Azriel? Cassian?" I spluttered, astounded.

Cassian made to move to me, but winced like something was holding him back. That was when I noticed his wings. They were wrapped in thick bandaging and he was so pale.

"Wait. You two know each other?" Rhysand and Aelin blurted spontaneously. Judging by the looks on every ones faces they were thinking the same.

"I trained with Cassian and Azriel. They're the ones who taught me the meaning of the Illyrian tattoos, which they put on me. Though I don't know why they're in this world," I explained mainly to Aelin, who for some reason still looked a bit nauseated. She nodded for a long time, her eyes darting to and fro. When I started to ask what was wrong, she weakly pointed to the door and dashed outside, her hand covering her mouth.

Feyre and Mor quickly glanced at eachother and raced out the door with slight smiles lighting their faces. I looked at Cassian and Azriel, who looked just as confused, but Rhysand had a smug expression on his face.

"What was that?" I asked to myself.

"Oh, just wait," Rhysand smirked. His eyes held a glint that made me nervous and curious at the same time.

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