Epilogue Part 1-Nine Months Later

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Adarlan-Rowan's POV

Aelin, Aedion, Lysandra, Dorian, Chaol, Nehemia, Nesryn, and I were seated around the dining table eating the delicious food the chef had prepared for us today. Dorian had invited us to the castle for his coronation ceremony a few days ago, and he graciously extended our stay when he saw the state of Aelin. Much to her disappointment, she could not fit into any of her clothing because of the size of her stomach. I snickered into my napkin, and unfortunately she caught the look.

"What?" she exclaimed, putting her hands on her stomach protectively. Everyone turned their attention to Aelin with their eyebrows raised, halting all conversation. I internally rolled my eyes, they'd bring popcorn to every one of Aelin's mood swings if they could.

"Nothing!" I said, trying not to look at her stomach, otherwise she'd see my glance, but it was so hard when I could hear the strong kicks of our child as loud as her heartbeat. Aelin still hadn't asked if it was a boy or girl, claiming she wanted it to be a surprise. She said she didn't care either way, but I had my suspicions she wanted a girl. Either one would be perfect for me. Girls could fight just as well, she said. Better, even. Oh, I was sure of that.

I shook my head and resumed eating only to notice Aelin looking at Dorian with an amused quirk of her lips.

"You eat like a fine lady, Dorian," Aelin crooned, laughing. Dorian's fork paused in midair. He slowly turned his head toward Aelin with an ever growing grin on his face. I looked at everyone and saw that they were just as confused, except Aedion. Realization was glimmering in his eyes, and I wanted to demand what this was all about.

"I eat like a king," Dorian retorted, his eyes crinkling.

"I can't believe you still remember!" she grinned. I turned to her with a questioning look on my face. She seemed to forget that no one else was aware of her little inside joke so she paused to explain, "when I was younger, the first time I came to this castle..." she hesitates, her face clouding with memory, "with my parents, I had no one to talk to and this guy here," she said pointing to Dorian exaggeratingly, "wouldn't speak to me. I tried to come up with some conversation so I told him he ate like a fine lady-" she was smiling at the memory.

"Oh, you should've seen the look on little Dorian's face. He was so angry. 'I eat like a prince' was what he said. Everyone on the table was trying not die of laughter," Aedion interrupted with a wolfish grin.

"Later that day you threatened to beat me up when I spilled some tea on Aelin's dress!" Dorian exclaimed from his seat. Everyone was watching the trio with obvious amusement.

"Because, my dear Dorian, your loving father manipulated me into bursting out flames

at that dinner!" Aelin said with a small frown.

Dorian's smile faded, "what?"

"He used some brain manipulation into outing me. The guards ushered you out before you saw what was happening. You thought I was sick." Aelin's frown vanished when she realized the mood was saddening. She waved her hand in the air like it meant nothing, but I knew better, "on that happy note-" suddenly her face paled.

"Aelin?" Lysandra worriedly asked from her seat. I was up in a flash, kneeling beside her.

"What's wrong?" I couldn't contain the concern in my voice. Everyone was out of their seats, not sure of what to do.

"I think my water just broke," she gulped, way too casually.

I'd like to say I took it well.

All hell broke loose.

I didn't even realize I'd shifted into my hawk form in surprise, flying circles above Aelin. Everything was in chaos.

"Get the healers!" Nehemia shouted to the servants. The servants peaked their heads in the room, trying to get a good look of all the commotion.

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