Chapter 15-Aelin

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"You need my what?" I practically yelled. I came here with Rowan to save Feyre and meet Myriam. I even told Aedion that he couldn't tag along when he begged to come. Now they were asking me to bring my practically newborn army here to start a war!

Rhysand ran a hand through his hair and begged, "I know it's a lot to ask, but it could be our only chance." The raw desperation in his voice was heat breaking. This went deeper than just saving Amren. I could tell he never had to ask for help in his life, just the way he carried himself, how he talked, how he walked. He knew he was the best, that he could do anything, that he was powerful.

"Amren said Feyre was your only chance at defeating the king, not my army!"

"That was before Amren and Myriam were taken captive and are probably being tortured right this second," Rhysand shouted at me. I saw Rowan's eyes flash before he stepped in front of me, snarling, a warning directed at Rhysand.

I thought about Myriam and looked at it from Rowan's perspective. If it was my child that was captured, I knew he would sacrifice anything. My child, the words sent a chill down my spine.

I took a deep breath and put a hand on Rowan's shoulder, silently telling him to stand down. "My kingdom is only just putting itself back together. My army has only just materialized. We have thousands of warriors, yes, but some of them just came back from a war, from hiding in their animal forms for centuries. I don't want to put my army at risk yet," I averted my eyes and studied the floor, "but they are some of the most powerful fae." I looked at Feyre and Mor, who still had ghosts of smiles on their faces, "I'll bring them here to rescue Myriam and Amren and to kill the King of Hybern, and then you'll be in my debt. I do not take this lightly. From what you're describing, I'm condemning them to a horrible fate. "

I saw the excitement in everyone's faces. "But," I insisted, holding Feyre and Mor's eyes, "after that will you please let us go back to Adarlan to live our lives and to deal with our own predicaments?" I saw guilt flash across Rhysand's face.

So he knew too; I remembered Rowan telling him something about reading thoughts, maybe he'd already read mine without my knowledge.

"As you wish, queen," Rhysand said and bowed his head. Everyone else did the same, but Rowan just looked at me with pride in his eyes and squeezed my hand. I knew what this meant to him.

"Rowan and I will need to go back to Adarlan to get our forces, where will we send them?" I asked no one in particular.

"Send them to the human village, outside of Prythian," Feyre offered, "before my sisters were turned fae, we had a very large mansion and many houses for the servants. It is very secluded so no one will know they're there."

"Okay," I said and looked to Rowan then back at the others, "we'll see you all soon."

They nodded once as Rowan and I made our way out the door and down the pathway.

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