Chapter 7-Aelin

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I noticed a slight flutter in the curtains at the windows as we walked towards the house, and if Rowan had seen the movement as well, he made no indication that he had. I had never seen him look so conflicted. For once, his emotions were displayed clearly on his face. I squeezed his hand and he weakly returned the gesture, his palms slick and sweaty against mine. I had never been the one to comfort Rowan in this relationship, so I didn't know what to say or do in a situation like this. We made our way towards the front steps and stood in front of the grand door as if it would magically open itself. I wouldn't be surprised if it did. Once I realized Rowan would do nothing but stare at the door, I tentatively reached out and knocked. The door swung open in an instant as if they had been waiting right beside it. I could do nothing but hold in a gasp as my breath was taken away by the sight of the beautiful woman standing in front of me.

She had long, beautiful hair that was braided over her shoulder, shocking emerald eyes, and a certain fierceness that I had only seen in one other person. I glanced over at Rowan and he was staring at the girl in equal--if not more--amazement, mouth opening and closing as if searching for the right words to say. I had never seen Rowan this nervous, it was usually Aedion who was at a loss for words.

Behind the woman was a tall man, built like a warrior. He had a protective hand placed on Myriam's shoulder. He had an expression that probably mirrored my own. He kept looking at Rowan then back at Myriam, eyes getting wider with each movement.

A moment or two passed before a tear slipped down Myriam's face and she breathed out, "dad?"

Drakon's face went from mild to surprised to furious in a matter of seconds. Before he could open his mouth to say something, Myriam lept towards Rowan and he instinctively wrapped his arms around her burying his face in her hair; a missing part of him found. They held on to each other for a solid five minutes before he let go of Myriam, holding her at arm's length. They were both crying, tears sliding down both of their faces.

Drakon caught my eyes and I gave him a genuine smile as a tear fell down my own cheek.

"Can we come in?" I asked with the biggest smile on my face.

"And who are you?" Myriam asked once she broke apart from Rowan. My smile died a bit as I processed the tone of her voice. I shook it off, I was just nervous.

"Myriam, this is Aelin, my girlfriend," Rowan introduced, smiling wider than I'd ever seen him smile. I smiled at Myriam but she just frowned at me.

"No seriously," Myriam said, looking like she was waiting for the punchline of a bad joke. Neither Rowan nor I were laughing. "You've got to be kidding me, she's a kid," she said to Rowan like I wasn't even standing there.

Rowan frowned and I saw a flash of anger in his eyes, but it was gone quickly. I had every sense to light this house on fire. If I didn't know how important this was for Rowan, I would. Who does she think she is calling me a kid?

"No, I'm not kidding. Aelin is a queen--my queen, I swore a blood oath to her and her court; now we fight and rule alongside each other. I wouldn't have given my allegiance and trust to someone who was not mature enough to receive it. So no, Aelin Galathynius is most certainly not a kid," he said, fury boiling up in his voice. Ever my protective fae warrior.

I took Rowan's hand and squeezed, telling him it was okay, even though it was not. Not that I'd ever dare to admit it, but I already knew of the age gap between us and I knew that if we were to ever, for any reason, breakup, he would be okay. Because I was young and insecure and naive, and he was...well he was Rowan. Not that we'd ever breakup, of course, we'd stick together, to whatever end. Myriam's observation did not, however, boost my confidence.

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