Epilogue Part 2-One Year Later

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I paced in the changing room, Lysandra, Nehemia, Nesryn, Evangeline, and my daughter surrounding me. I was dressed in a gown that looked like burnished gold, hugging the curves of my body. The ladies were dressed in silver gowns, all matching their own taste. Fleetfoot was lounging by my feet, his golden fur gleaming from the thorough grooming he had to endure.

Lysandra fussed over me, applying last minute touches to my makeup and hair. My hair, having grown out a bit, was curled and coiled in a braided bun, low on my head, strands in the front expertly framing my face. My eyelids were dusted a soft gold, with kohl lining my upper lid, and black lengthening my lashes. The faintest blush was brushed on my cheeks and my lips were tinted a soft pink. I had on minimal jewelry, the eye of elena, the brilliant wedding ring, shining in the light, and a matching pair of earrings and bracelet. The diamonds were blinding to anyone who stared directly at it. It must've cost a fortune.

Nehemia came up, stunning in a shimmering silver dress that reached her ankles. Gold embroidery was accenting her beautiful eyes and the gold jewelry she had on. She grabbed my shoulders giving them a soft shake.

"Deep breaths, calm down. Everything will be ok," she soothed, noticing my panicky state. I did as she told, taking deep breaths.

"Mommy pwetty," Evalin stuttered out. Her silver dress was matching the color of her hair perfectly. On top of her head, rested a small silver tiara with green stones, matching the colors of Terrasen. Her hair had me thinking of Rowan, and what he was doing right now. He probably wasn't even nervous. I glanced at the crown I was to place on his head at the ceremony, it belonged to my father so long ago.

"So are you sweetheart," I cooed, stumbling a bit as I forgot I was wearing heels Lysandra insisted I should wear. Thankfully, I had one year to lose all the weight I'd gained in my pregnancy in order to fit into the beautiful dress I'd been eyeing forever.

I looked out the window, noticing a distraught looking Dorian, followed by a half crippled girl who looked dreadful. I frowned and gained his attention by tapping on the window. I gestured to the door and he complied, motioning to the girl to follow.

Seconds later he came in, his hair windblown.

"I'm really sorry about this. I know this is the worst possible timing but this girl said she was looking for you. Well, she said she was looking for Celeana. She was wandering Ardalan when one of my guards found her. She won't talk to anyone, but listen to this, she said she had a message from Kaitlin."

I sucked in a sharp breath. The girl was still hidden beneath her hood, but she was shaking. She was resting her weight on one leg, the other one next to useless.

"Lysandra, could you take Evalin and everyone else outside?" I asked, not breaking my gaze from the cowering girl. She had something clutched in her hand.

Wordlessly, Lysandra bent to pick up Evalin and shoo everyone out. Dorian remained standing, a hesitant look in his eyes.

"I don't go by that name anymore. Who are you?" I demanded in a voice that I saved for queenly matters.

The girl still didn't look up. "I was sent by Kaitlin. I trekked on foot for 2 years, searching for you. She said to give you this," she reached out and outstretched her fingers. In her opened palm was a glittering stone, humming with ancient power, wrapped around it was a piece of a torn cloak, dried with blood. "She said to tell you that you can open every door, if you have the key. She said to tell you to remember her promise to her-to punish them all," My mouth dried at her words. I hesitantly snatched the stone and fabric away from her hand. Once I made contact with it, I immediately knew what it was, and I didn't like it.

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