Chapter 4-Rhysand

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I was in the middle of strategizing battle formations when I felt the bond that Feyre and I shared go taut. She was in trouble.

I ran as fast as I could to find Amren and as soon as she was within arm's reach, I winnowed us to the Spring Court.

We materialized on the threshold of Tamlin's mansion and I smelled it immediately--pine and snow. I gestured to Amren to be silent and she nodded. It bothered me that I didn't see any bit of shock on her face.

We followed the smell into the library, where we saw Feyre, Tamlin, and Lucien with their backs to us. I looked past my mate and saw a huge male with short silver hair and midnight black tattoos standing with his arms crossed, pretending not to see me. I turned my head to see why Feyre had tugged on our bond.

A young girl was painting symbols on the wall with a liquid that looked--and smelled--like blood.

I saw the male eyeing Tamlin with loathing and took that as a good sign. I looked to Amren and she motioned for us to go behind the silver haired fae. She grabbed my hand and I silently crept up behind my mate, then I gripped Feyre's hand and winnowed us to the other side of the room.

"What-" Feyre jolted, but when she saw me smirking at her, she relaxed and smiled back.

"Why are you here, whore?" Tamlin growled, his fingers inching towards his sword.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Tamlin. "Because, old friend, it looks as if you're about to be obliterated, and someone has to bring Feyre home."

Tamlin unsheathed his blade and launched himself at us but for some reason, he stopped short. His sword fell to the floor and after a moment, he was lying next to his blade, clutching his throat.

Lucien crouched on the side of him, panic evident in his face. "What did you do to him?" Lucien screamed.

"I just cut off the air to his lungs, no big deal," the fae male in front of us stated with a careless shrug. Lucien stood up and reached for his sword, "don't think I can't do two at a time," he said, narrowing his green eyes at Lucien, who was putting his hand back down at his side.

I saw Tamlin lose consciousness, and I felt some sick satisfaction at the sight.

"Why are you here?" Lucien asked furiously.

"We're here to get rid of that parasite on the floor," the girl mused, now turning from the wall. The marks she drew made a big circle and in the middle, there was a swirling purple and blue mist. A portal.

The girl had blood covering both of her hands, but I could see that whatever wound she had was healed.

"I suggest you thank us because by doing this, we are practically saving your world," she drawled, walking over to the male. "Just know Lucien, that I know all about your mate," the girl looked to Amren and gave an evil smile, "and if you try to attack while our backs are turned or if you decide to say a word of this to anyone, not only will you die, but so will sweet little Elain. It would be in your best interest to never speak of this day. We're doing you a favor, actually. Without Tamlin here to hold you back, you can go to your mate. But it's your choice." I could tell this girl was not from this world, she had probably come from a portal similar to the one she made.

Lucien looked at each one of us, then looked at Tamlin, and wisely walked out of the door.

Amren turned to me and quickly said, "you're welcome and I'll explain later, but now it is time to take Feyre home."

"Whatever you did, Amren, thank you," Feyre said beside me. She took my hand and winnowed us back to the Night Court.

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