Chapter 23-Rhysand

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I felt the moment that Aelin realized that she and Rowan were mates; of course, I'd had my suspicions since I'd first seen them together.

But in that moment, with her clinging to him with all she had, I could sense their mating bond snap together. I could smell it on them, and I was sure everyone else in the room could as well. Rowan was so close to dying, the universe probably thought it was better if Aelin would know he was her mate now, rather than to never know ever.

Honestly, I was surprised it hadn't happened earlier-the signs were clear. I searched through Rowan's now vulnerable mind and learned that he hadn't realized it yet, but I knew Aelin had. I could see it written plainly in her eyes, and I felt something in my chest swell for her. I knew what the feeling was like, to almost lose your mate. I had lost my mate, and that was when I'd realized that Feyre and I were destined to be together, and just as I had, Aelin tried anything to get hers back.

It took death for Aelin and I to realize who our mates were. Something told me she would make the same choice I had, and wait until Rowan would see it himself. Those months when I couldn't tell Feyre that she was my mate had eaten me alive. It killed me not to tell her, but I would never force the bond upon her.

I noticed Aelin pick up the pitcher of water and hold it up to Rowan's lips, and I had to bite the insides of my mouth in order to hide my smirk. Apparently, she didn't know that offering food to your mate signified that you accept the bond. I knew if he drank it, that the bond would snap into place for him as well.

Rowan shook his head and rasped out, "not thirsty," before he passed out. Aelin gave out a little gasp before she put her fingers on the inside of Rowan's wrist to check his pulse.

"Do you have a bed he could sleep on?" Aelin asked to no one in particular. She had not once taken her eyes off of Rowan.

"Yes. Right down the hall. Let me-" I made to help carry Rowan, but Aelin tried picking him up, and let a frustrated noise out of her mouth. I heard Aedion trying to stifle a laugh and apparently Aelin heard as well because she shot him a glare so fierce that even I would've evaporated under it. I made a mental note never to find my way onto her bad side.

"Aedion, get over here right now," she screamed, balling her fists at her sides.

"Yes- of course, my queen," Aedion said, and I saw that he truly meant it. He would do anything for her, no matter what, just as Rowan would. He easily slung Rowan over his shoulder, not even grunting at the effort of carrying a huge fae warrior packed with muscle.

"Be careful!" Aelin hissed at Aedion whacking him upside on the head. Aedion winced and muttered something unintelligible. He started to walk at a quick pace, but Aelin stopped him.

"Wait," she demanded as she grabbed Rowan's hand tightly. "Go on," she then smiled sweetly. He rolled his eyes and continued at a slower pace, giving Aelin's short legs a chance to keep up with him.

"Aelin, it really would be easier if you just let go of-," Aedion started.

"Shut up," Aelin seethed, shooting him another glare. I heard Dorian chuckle under his breath and shake his head fondly. Aelin never let go of Rowan's hand, not once.

Once we all entered the spare room I always keep ready, Aedion made to put Rowan down on the four-poster bed.

"I swear on everything that is good, Aedion, if you hit his head on anything, you will never again see the light of day," she warned. Aedion's eyes widened and he slowly inched Rowan's body toward the bed. I saw Aelin whisper something to Lysandra then her friend made her way to the washroom.

After a moment, Lysandra returned with a wet cloth and handed it to Aelin. Before Aelin could tend to Rowan, she looked to me intently and then at the others. She wanted some privacy.

I nodded slightly and shuffled everyone out of the room, leaving Aelin alone to be with her mate.

"Bro, I see she's got you wrapped around her finger," I heard Dorian say to Aedion.

"Shut up," Aedion hissed.

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