Chapter 1-Amren

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Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead and the entirety my body shook as I struggled to use every ounce of magic within me to heal Cassian's wings. I noticed he was shaking more than I was and I made an effort to push more magic through me. I could only imagine the pain he was in--his wings were just ripped to shreds! I tried to everything I could possibly think of to make the blood start to clot, to at least keep him from bleeding out until the healer came.

I could feel my calm facade crumbling, the result of the news Rhysand had just brought to us about Feyre. Feyre. One of the only living beings I was comfortable enough with to call a friend. She was also not like any of the others. Fae. Well, she was, but not in the same sense. She had a different soul, heart. The only thing Fae about her was the body that she had gotten stuck with.

"I mean to tell you," Rhysand said once again, snapping me out of my thoughts "that your High Lady made a sacrifice for her court and we will move when she gives the signal, when the time is right." How could he be saying these things? His mate was in terrible danger and all he says to do is wait for her to send a signal. She could be dead within the hour.

I turned my head to look at Rhysand and realized what was going on inside him. I could tell that all this waiting was eating him alive but he knew he needed to trust her. He had never been one to be patient. I could sense the power building within his body, rubbing against his skin, his bones, waiting to be unleashed. His power was so great it almost rivaled my own.


"And until then?" I demanded. "What of the Cauldron--of the Book?" I tried to come up with a compelling enough excuse to get us to Feyre faster.

"Until then," Rhysand gritted his teeth and exhaled through them as he started walking toward the door, obviously done with this conversation, "we wait."

My body was still shaking, not because of my efforts toward Cassian, but from the rage that had slowly started seeping through my skin. It took every bit of my will power to keep from leaving Cassian for dead and going to the Spring Court just so I could unleash my power on Tamlin and bring Feyre home. But I stayed, conjuring a plan as I continued to heal Cassian.

Once the healers had finally arrived, I went to my room, deciding that there was only one thing I could resort to. It would be more dangerous than I could imagine, but it had to be done--for Feyre.

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