Chapter 26-Azriel

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"I not particularly fond of that queen," I told Mor, and the word 'queen' came out sounding nasty, just as I had intended.

"She's young," Mor started, trying to brush off my complaints. She barely knew this girl and she was already taking up for her, what had gotten into these people? Mor walked into her bathroom and started rifling through drawers.

"She is a brat," I spit when she returned, "she gets herself into horrible situations and when she realizes that it's actually serious, she throws a fit."

"Az," she sat on the bed, brushing out her curls. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh, "she's inexperienced, she's pregnant, and she is scared for her life."

I let out a breath and said, "frankly, so am I. We're just supposed to trust this girl-this child-with our lives on the battlefield? If something goes wrong-"

"If something goes wrong, Azriel, we will protect her," she interrupted. "This girl owed us nothing, but she rescued Feyre when we couldn't. She owed us nothing, but she brought her army here and is ready to fight for us. Does that count for nothing?"

I ran my hand over my face and closed my eyes, trying to contain my frustration, "yes, of course it does. I'm just not too keen on giving this girl all of our trust so soon. You said yourself, she owed us nothing, so why would she help us? Did it never occur to you that she might be playing us?"

"Amren trusts her, so we trust her," Mor said. She laid down in the bed, fixed the sheets and said, "come, we'll need to rest for tomorrow."

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