Chapter 35-Aedion

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"What should I do?" I asked Aelin, desperate to have part in her plan. I watched in awe as she took over the situation when everyone else was too numb and distracted to do anything but stare at the ground. She was my queen. It gave me a sense of pride to be able to say that.

"Once Feyre is done drawing copies of the maps, we need to give it to your soldiers. It'll help them navigate around the castle, and where to strike," she answered back in a tight tone. Her shoulders were tense and her arms are within easy reach of her blade.

"Aedion, I wouldn't mind some help planning strategies," Rowan said after he cleared his throat in my direction.

I nodded my head dutifully, my years of experience as general finally coming to use.

"What about me?" Lysandra piped up, her eyes set in fierce determination. I racked my

brain trying to come up with something for her to do. She's not trained in combat, but she sure would throw a fit if I told her to stay out of the way. Luckily, Aelin had a plan.

"I was thinking. Maybe you and Azriel could spy on the castle throughout the week, or for however long we have," Aelin instructed, her Ashryver eyes sparkling with the promise of a fight.

Lysandra nodded her head and glanced nervously as Azriel. "I wonder if I can sprout wings too," she muttered to herself. I smirked at the thought of wings taking form at her shoulder blades, accentuating her sinuous figure. She would undoubtedly look like an angel.

She headed over to Azriel, her walk smooth and graceful. My thoughts drifted to her legs, the way the gradual curve of her thighs lead to her toned calves. I imagined what it would be like to have those legs wrapped around me.

What in the gods? I thought. I'd known that Lysandra was beautiful the second I laid eyes on her but I'd noticed it distantly, never really stopped and took the time to really look at her. When had I quit seeing her as just Aelin's friend? I looked around at the others and decided I would sort that out later.

I listened to Lysandra and Azriel discuss their spying plans for a while before I turned back to Aelin, Rowan, and Dorian. Dorian looked a little uneasy standing next to Rowan. I bit back a snicker as I looked at him with raised eyebrows. He shot me an icy glare and a sly grin made its way onto my face.

"What're you smiling about?" Aelin shot her eyes at me, but there was a ghost of a smile lighting her face as well.

I could've sworn I heard Rowan mutter, "foolish," under his breath as he took in the state of us three.

"What's my part?" Dorian asked, not sure who to look at. Aelin's eyes darted to Rowan and back to Dorian as she sighed through her nose. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply for a moments as if bracing herself.

"Dorian... you're a new king. You were just hurt! Maybe, maybe you should stay away from this," Aelin explained, her eyes pleading.

"What? No, of course I won't stay away! What's the point in me even coming here then? I thought you needed me," he exclaimed. He shot me a pleading look as if asking me to back him up.

"Dorian, she's got a point. You almost died. Your country needs you. We can't take you to battle not knowing what's going to happen," I tried to explain the importance of him being safe.

"You're a new queen too! Your country has only just materialized from nothing. You're more important than me, but I'm don't see you standing on the sidelines!" Dorian shouts with a flailing of his arms. "And you're pregnant for wyrds sake!"

"It's different for me. I'm Fae. I can hold my own-"

"And you think I can't? I have powers too you know. Powers that never end, I don't get tired or drained from using it. You saw the way it healed me when I was practically dead. I am going to fight with you. Whether you want me to or not."

"Aelin, just let him. He'll be fine," Rowan said. I hesitantly nodded, not wanting to get on her bad side.

"Okay, fine. But don't go shouting nonsense that I'm more important to you," Aelin said with another sigh. She rubbed her head with the palms of her hand and I could feel the weariness she was feeling. Another fight, another war she was part of. At least we were together.

"I'll be fine. I swear," Dorian promised with a small smile.

Aelin mumbled something unintelligible before she changed the topic.

"So, what are we going to do exactly?" she asked, and for a moment she was just my cousin, a nineteen year old girl, stuck in a situation she shouldn't be apart of.

"From what I've gathered, we're going to learn the King's weaknesses and his plans. The lot of us will sneak in the castle and destroy the cauldron. We'll have to take down the wards first, that will be Feyre's task. She's the only one capable of doing it. We kill the King and Jurian, hopefully his army will comply with us. If they chose to avenge their King's death, which they most probably will, that's when our soldiers come in. The King probably has hundreds of soldiers at his disposal," Rowan said. Again, I was surprised by his intelligence. He certainly knows his stuff, and then some. I didn't pick up half of that in my time here.

Apparently the others had stopped their work to listen to Rowan's commanding voice.

"Very good, princling. Or should I call you future King?" Rhysand said with a sly grin.

Both Rowan and Aelin's faces turned red. Granted, Rowan's blush was a bit more subtle.

"What if the King has allies?" Dorian asked quietly. I never thought of the possibility of

him having allies, but... it could be possible. Rhysand and Feyre exchanged a concerning glance, which confirmed our suspicions.
"Well?" I asked, staring pointedly at Rhysand. He never mentioned them having allies. This could change the whole game.

"There may be a possibility of him having an alliance with the spring court," Rhysand said his eyes wide.

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