Chapter 12-Aelin

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I was only outside for a second before I vomited all over the well kept shrubs for the third time that day. I distantly heard Feyre and Mor racing behind me giggling, but I paid them no attention as I cursed myself for my improper behavior.

"Here take this," Mor chirped as she handed me a wash cloth. I wiped away the remnants of my once-delicious roasted chicken as I observed both the women as they assessed me. I'd already decided that I liked them, which scared me. I didn't usually get close to beautiful women, they were dangerous. It was a beautiful woman who was the reason I was given the title of fire-breathing bitch queen.

"So, how far along are you?" Feyre asked me. She had long golden brown hair which contrasted pleasantly with her stormy blue eyes. She was young, especially for Fae standards. I would guess she was my age, maybe a year older.

"All that winnowing and portaling probably isn't helping," Mor chimed in. You could probably confuse us for sisters, curvy body and blonde hair, beautiful. She had brown eyes that seemed to glisten with wisdom and age. She had an aura around her which suggested she was quite powerful despite the perky demeanor she had.

I stood there, confused, as they asked me these questions. They kept rambling on but I couldn't make out what they were implying.

"What do you mean?" I inquired cautiously. The delight on their faces were inappropriate for what had just happened.

They exchanged a shock expression and then looked at me their eyes flicking down to my stomach.

"Aelin, when was the last time you bled?" Mor whispered, glancing at the men to make sure they couldn't hear. Why was that any of her business? What does that have to do with anything? I thought back to my last week of hell. I'd missed my cycle about 3 weeks ago and I'd been so wrapped up in restoring Terrasen that I hadn't stopped to think about it. My eyes widened as I realized what they were implying.

"How did you know?" I asked, unsure of whether I should be happy or scared.

"I'm surprised you didn't. I could hear the heartbeat as clear as yours. Once I realized that there was an extra heartbeat and saw the way you and Rowan act toward each other, it didn't take too long to put the pieces together," Mor said excitingly. I shushed her, violently pointing towards the men. She laughed a bit under her breath before she nodded understandingly.

I started shaking my head. No this couldn't be happening. I wouldn't be able to do anything. I made sure to drink toxin everytime.

Except once.

"It only takes one try," Feyre said softly, as if soothing a wild animal, but she too had a smile on her face.

"It explains all the vomiting and the sudden changes in mood," Mor said in a way she probably thought was helpful.

Gods. How in the world would I tell Rowan? He had only just learned about his first daughter, and now a second child? With another woman. How would he react? What would Myriam think? Would we even tell Myriam? Should I tell him now or when we get back to Adarlan?

Feyre and Mor were unaware of the turmoil that was brewing inside of me. They were looking at me a bit disappointed as if they'd expected a different reaction. I'd only just met them for Wydrs sake!

"I can't do this right now," I muttered as I raced back inside. I had other matters to attend to. I couldn't be bothered with this, but just some miniscule part of me was overjoyed that I'd get to share this surprise with Rowan, someday, but now was not the time.

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