Chapter 24-Rowan

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I felt a cool dampness on my forehead and fought to open my eyes. When I succeeded, I had to bite back my shocked gasp. There she was, my Fireheart, covered in blood-my blood. It was on her face, in her hair, and her hands were soaked in it. How could I have let this happen?

I vaguely remembered the events that led up to my unconsciousness. Once I heard our child's heart stop beating, I hadn't hesitated to jump through the portal to save Aelin. A devilish demon creature attacked me, I looked down at my bare chest. Three long, jagged scars adjourned my chest and torso, eerily familiar to those on Aelin's back.

"How-?" I asked, confused. I couldn't even finish my thought, but thankfully Aelin understood. I reached for Aelin's hand weakly and she clutched it tightly.

"I-" Aelin fought back tears. "I healed you, with my powers," she managed to get out.

"How can fir-oh. Oh, gods, you gained control of your water powers?" I asked, astonishment clear in my voice.

"For you, I would do anything," she said with a weak smile. She looked down at her hands and a tear fell from her eyes as she said, "Rowan, you almost died. You did die," I saw her bottom lip tremble, "and it was all my fault, I never wanted you to get hurt," I vaguely remembered her sobbing over my body, I remember glimpses of her begging for me to stay alive.

I started to feel tears building up behind my eyes and I took her hand. I pulled her so that she was lying right next to me, not caring if she got blood all over the stark white sheets.

Her thin, but muscled arms wrapped around my torso and she cried into my chest. I didn't know what to say, so I did what I did best-I held her until she was reassured that I was whole and well and not going anywhere.

After a few minutes, exhaustion slammed into her and her tears stopped. I couldn't believe what was happening, she was alright, I was alright, our child was alright; we must have gotten extremely lucky somewhere along the way. I don't know what I would've done if they died. Aelin, and my child, they were my whole world. Yes, I care for Myriam, how could I not? But Aelin and our child to be are part of me. No one comes before them.

I must have been pulled under by sleep also, because when I opened my eyes again, there was no light pouring through the window. Aelin was stretched out over the entirety of the bed, snoring like always.

I slid out from under the covers and quietly made my way to the sitting room, where I saw Rhysand lounging on the couch with a glass of liquor in his hand. He didn't say a word when I poured myself a glass and sat beside him.

We watched the fire for a few minutes before he said, "don't you dare let that girl get hurt." I looked at him with shock written clearly across my face and he continued, "if not for her sake, for yours. I can tell you from experience that if anything happens to her, you won't want to live anymore. Also, Rowan, do your best to stay out of harm's way. You may not have seen her when you died, but I did and if there's one thing I know, it's that I don't ever want to hear that scream or see that look on her face again."

I silently nodded my head as he stood up and placed his empty glass on the table then walked out of the room.

I finished my own glass and made my way down the hallway to the room I had been in before. I passed a door I hadn't noticed before and heard faint giggling coming from the inside. I paused before I realized that it sounded very much like Lysandra's voice. I thought of Aedion and decided to keep walking to save myself from the inevitable awkwardness that would come after listening in on what was going on in that room.

I quietly made my back to the bedroom where I thought Aelin was sleeping, but heard the shower running.

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