Chapter 36-Rhysand

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"But Tamlin... who's the High Lord now?" Feyre asked, her eyes just as scared as mine. Damn the spring court. I never stopped to think of the repercussions of our actions. The Spring Court must be in chaos, Prythian must be in chaos. We'd been so focused on other things, enclosed within our own bubble that we'd never stopped to even consider what was going on in the outside world.

"My guess is that fox Lucien took over. I really hope he hasn't sided with the King. He's been at Tamlin's side long enough to know the responsibilities of being a High Lord," I sighed.

"We need to send spies there too, then" Dorian speaks up. I glance at him. He's probably right.

"Let me do it. I won't spy, but I'll talk it out. If Lucien will listen to anyone, it'll be me," Feyre said from beside me. I looked at her for a moment. Of course, she was the best choice, but Lucien never really sided with her fully. Maybe now that Tamlin was gone, he could make his own decisions, but I still didn't trust him.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. But I trusted Feyre, and that was enough.

"Okay, but be careful. First thing tomorrow you can go talk to him, do what you must," I said meeting her determined blue-grey eyes.

"Do you want anyone to go with you?" Cassian asked. I could tell he was desperate to do anything, but this was something she had to do alone. Lucien and the spring court might be on edge if another member of the Night court comes prowling through the front gates.

But my thoughts flicker to Elain. Lucien would do anything for her, and she was his weakness. If Feyre uses that to her advantage, Hybern has one less ally, and another enemy. I could tell Feyre was thinking the same thing by the calculating look in her eyes. Whatever card she plays tomorrow, it'll be in our advantage.

I looked at the warriors gathered in the room, it was up to us to save Prythian and the mortal world.

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